// Use this approach
//Method 1 - clone will inherit the prototype methods of the original.
let cloneWithPrototype = Object.assign(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(original)), original);
class Employee {
constructor(first, last, street) {
this.firstName = first;
this.lastName = last;
this.address = { street: street };
logFullName() {
console.log(this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName);
let original = new Employee('Cassio', 'Seffrin', 'Street A, 23');
//Method 1 - clone will inherit the prototype methods of the original.
let cloneWithPrototype = Object.assign(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(original)), original);
//Method 2 - object.assing() will not clone the Prototype.
let cloneWithoutPrototype = Object.assign({},original);
//Method 3 - the same of object assign but shorter syntax using "spread operator"
let clone3 = { ...original };
cloneWithoutPrototype.firstName = 'John';
cloneWithoutPrototype.address.street = 'Street B, 99'; //will not be cloned
function recursiveCopy(arr_obj){
if(typeof arr_obj === "object") {
if ( Array.isArray(arr_obj) ) {
let result = []
// if the current element is an array
arr_obj.forEach( v => { result.push(recursiveCopy(v)) } )
return result
else {
// if it's an object by not an array then it’s an object proper { like: “so” }
let result = {}
for (let item in arr_obj) {
result[item] = recursiveCopy(arr_obj[item]) // in case the element is another object/array
return result
// above conditions are skipped if current element is not an object or array, so it just returns itself
else if ( (typeof arr_obj === "number") || (typeof arr_obj === "string") || (typeof arr_obj === "boolean") ) return arr_obj
else if(typeof arr_obj === "function") return console.log("function, skipping the methods, doing these separately")
else return new Error( arr_obj ) // catch-all, likely null arg or something
class CellMethods{
this.numNeighboursSelected = 0
// method to change fill or stroke color
changeColor(rgba_str, str_fill_or_stroke, that) {
// DEV: use switch so we can adjust more than just background and border, maybe text too
switch(str_fill_or_stroke) {
case 'stroke':
return that.border = rgba_str
default: // fill is the default
return that.color = rgba_str
// method for the cell to draw itself
// save existing values
let tmp_fill = c.fillStyle
let tmp_stroke = c.strokeStyle
let tmp_borderwidth = c.lineWidth
let tmp_font = c.font
// fill and stroke cells
c.fillStyle = (that.isSelected) ? highlightedcellcolor : that.color
c.strokeStyle = that.border
c.lineWidth = border_width
c.fillRect(that.x, that.y, that.size.width, that.size.height)
c.strokeRect(that.x, that.y, that.size.width+border_width, that.size.height+border_width)
// text id labels
c.fillStyle = that.textColor
c.font = `${that.textSize}px Arial`
c.fillText(that.id, that.x+(cellgaps*3), that.y+(that.size.height-(cellgaps*3)))
c.font = tmp_font
// restore canvas stroke and fill
c.fillStyle = tmp_fill
c.strokeStyle = tmp_stroke
c.lineWidth = tmp_borderwidth
console.log("checking that 'that' works: " + that)
if ((that.leftNeighbour !== undefined) && (that.rightNeighbour !== undefined) && (that.topNeighbour !== undefined) && (that.bottomNeighbour !== undefined) && (that.bottomleft !== undefined) && (that.bottomright !== undefined) && (that.topleft !== undefined) && (that.topright !== undefined)) {
that.numNeighboursSelected = 0
if (that.leftNeighbour.isSelected) that.numNeighboursSelected++
if (that.rightNeighbour.isSelected) that.numNeighboursSelected++
if (that.topNeighbour.isSelected) that.numNeighboursSelected++
if (that.bottomNeighbour.isSelected) that.numNeighboursSelected++
// // if my neighbours are selected
if (that.numNeighboursSelected > 5) that.isSelected = false
// write a class to define structure of each cell
class Cell extends CellMethods{
constructor(id, x, y, selected){
this.id = id
this.x = x
this.y = y
this.size = cellsize
this.color = defaultcolor
this.border = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'
this.textColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,1)'
this.textSize = cellsize.height/5 // dynamically adjust text size based on the cell's height, since window is usually wider than it is tall
this.isSelected = (selected) ? selected : false
changeColor(rgba_str, str_fill_or_stroke){ super.changeColor(rgba_str, str_fill_or_stroke, this)} // THIS becomes THAT
checkRules(){ super.checkRules(this) } // THIS becomes THAT
drawCell(){ super.drawCell(this) } // THIS becomes THAT
let [cellsincol, cellsinrow, cellsize, defaultcolor] = [15, 10, 25, 'rgb(0,0,0)'] // for building a grid
// Bundle all the cell objects into an array to pass into a render function whenever we want to draw all the objects which have been created
function buildCellTable(){
let result = [] // initial array to push rows into
for (let col = 0; col < cellsincol; col++) { // cellsincol aka the row index within the column
let row = []
for (let cellrow = 0; cellrow < cellsinrow; cellrow++) { // cellsinrow aka the column index
let newid = `col${cellrow}_row${col}` // create string for unique id's based on array indices
row.push( new Cell(newid, cellrow*(cellsize.width),col*(cellsize.height) ))
return result
// poplate array of all cells, final output is a 2d array
let allcells = buildCellTable()
// create hash table of allcells indexes by cell id's
let cellidhashtable = {}
allcells.forEach( (v,rowindex)=>{
v.forEach( (val, colindex)=>{
cellidhashtable[val.id] = [rowindex, colindex] // generate hashtable
val.allcellsposition = [rowindex, colindex] // add cell indexes in allcells to each cell for future reference if already selected
} )
let originalTable = {'arr': [1,2,3,4,5], 'nested': [['a','b','c'], ['d','e','f']], 'obj': {'nest_obj' : 'object value'}}
let newTable = recursiveCopy(originalTable) // works to copy
let testingDeepCopy = recursiveCopy(newTable)
let testingShallowCopy = {...newTable} // spread operator does a unique instance, but references nested elements
newTable.arr.pop() // removes an element from a nested array after popping
console.log(testingDeepCopy) // still has the popped value
console.log(testingShallowCopy) // popped value is remove even though it was copies before popping
let newCell = new Cell("cell_id", 10, 20)