* @desc This function will round up a number to the nearest rounding number specified.
* @param $n (Integer || Float) Required -> The original number. Ex. $n = 5.7;
* @param $x (Integer) Optional -> The nearest number to round up to. The default value is 5. Ex. $x = 3;
* @return (Integer) The original number rounded up to the nearest rounding number.
function rounduptoany ($n, $x = 5) {
//If the original number is an integer and is a multiple of
//the "nearest rounding number", return it without change.
if ((intval($n) == $n) && (!is_float(intval($n) / $x))) {
return intval($n);
//If the original number is a float or if this integer is
//not a multiple of the "nearest rounding number", do the
//rounding up.
else {
return round(($n + $x / 2) / $x) * $x;
$x= 5;
$n= 200; // D = 200 K = 200 M = 200 P = 205
$n= 205; // D = 205 K = 205 M = 205 P = 210
$n= 200.50; // D = 205 K = 200 M = 200.5 P = 205.5
$n= '210.50'; // D = 215 K = 210 M = 210.5 P = 215.5
$n= 201; // D = 205 K = 205 M = 200 P = 205
$n= 202; // D = 205 K = 205 M = 200 P = 205
$n= 203; // D = 205 K = 205 M = 205 P = 205
** D = DrupalFever K = Knight M = Musthafa P = Praesagus
* Example:
* Input = 151431.1 >> return = 150000.0
* Input = 17204.13 >> return = 17000.0
* Input = 2358.533 >> return = 2350.0
* Input = 129.2421 >> return = 125.0
* Input = 12.16434 >> return = 10.0
* @param $value
* @param int $modBase
* @return float
private function currenciesBeautifier($value, int $modBase = 5)
// round the value to the nearest
$roundedValue = round($value);
// count the number of digits before the dot
$count = strlen((int)str_replace('.', '', $roundedValue));
// remove 3 to get how many zeros to add the mod base
$numberOfZeros = $count - 3;
// add the zeros to the mod base
$mod = str_pad($modBase, $numberOfZeros + 1, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
// do the magic
return $roundedValue - ($roundedValue % $mod);