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You can make a hyperlink in Telegram by writing an URL and send the message. Using Telegram Bot APIs you can send a clickable URL in two ways:


[This is an example](https://example.com)


<a href="https://example.com">This is an example</a>

In both cases you will have:

This is an example

EDIT: In new version of Telegram clients you can do that, see above answers.

As of Telegram Desktop Version 3.1.1, You can format the your message like:

Create link:

Ctrl + K = this pops Create link field and auto fills selected text on Text

Other useful hotkeys:

Ctrl + B = Bold
Ctrl + I = Italic
Ctrl + U = Underline
Ctrl + Shift + S = Strikethrough
Ctrl + Shift + M = Monospace
Ctrl + Shift + N = Plain Text
Ctrl + Shift + X = Strikethrough

In the new desktop versions, you can add hyperlink by pressing ctrl + k and typing links.

On Telegram Desktop for macOS, the shortcuts differ. You can right-click a highlighted text, then hover over Transformations to see the available options:

macOS Telegram Desktop Formatting Shortcuts

First make link with @bold bot . Then Copy text and paste it to remove "via @bold"

In telegram desktop, use this hotkey: ctrl+K

In android:

  1. type your text
  2. select it
  3. and click on Create Link from its options

You can see these steps in this image: link creation in telegram android

Try this link format: https://t.me/[YourUserName]

I was looking for such a thing, BUT with text in (like the one that WhatsApp got)

My phone is xiaomi Redmi note 8 with MIUI 11.0.9 . There is no option for create hyperlink :enter image description here So I use Telegram desktop or Telegram X for create hyperlink because Telegram X supports markdown. Type url and send message (in Telegram X) or there is an alternate way which is the easiest!


This way works for all phones!

Select the text using Word Editor and click in the three dots on the top right corner of the chat. It is usually used for accessing settings but if you select a text and click there, you can see Telegram's own Formatter!

Step 1:Select the text you want to give to the hyperlink. enter image description here

Step 1:Select the three dots at the above right corner.enter image description here

Step 1: click create link from the options enter image description here

Step 1: insert the url

enter image description here

Select ok then the link will be created

If you're using iOS and (still, after all these years) don't have the button to create a link you can use this shortcut to create a link with custom text.

URL is taken via "share" action, clipboard if the shortcut wasn't called via "share" menu or requested from user.

The result is put in the clipboard, you just have to paste it into telegram.