If you can't use Libsodium, use Deuse/php-加密 - Straight PHP code
If you can't use Libsodium or defuse/php-encryption, use OpenSSL - A lot of servers will already have this installed. If not, it can be compiled with --with-openssl[=DIR]
To Encrypt (using public key) use openssl_seal. From what I've read, openssl_encrypt using an RSA key is limited to 11 bytes less than the key length (See http://php.net/manual/en/function.openssl-public-encrypt.php comment by Thomas Horsten)
$passphrase="passphrase here";
$privKey = openssl_get_privatekey(file_get_contents('./pkey.pem'), $passphrase);
// I base64_decode() from my db columns
openssl_open($encryptedPassword, $plain, $key, $privKey);
echo "<h3>Password=$plain</h3>";
P.S. You can't encrypt the empty string ("")
P.P.S. This is for a password database not for user validation.
class Session {
* Encrypts the session ID and returns it as a base 64 encoded string.
* @param $session_id
* @return string
public function encrypt($session_id) {
// Get the MD5 hash salt as a key.
$key = $this->_getSalt();
// For an easy iv, MD5 the salt again.
$iv = $this->_getIv();
// Encrypt the session ID.
$encrypt = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $session_id, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
// Base 64 encode the encrypted session ID.
$encryptedSessionId = base64_encode($encrypt);
// Return it.
return $encryptedSessionId;
* Decrypts a base 64 encoded encrypted session ID back to its original form.
* @param $encryptedSessionId
* @return string
public function decrypt($encryptedSessionId) {
// Get the MD5 hash salt as a key.
$key = $this->_getSalt();
// For an easy iv, MD5 the salt again.
$iv = $this->_getIv();
// Decode the encrypted session ID from base 64.
$decoded = base64_decode($encryptedSessionId);
// Decrypt the string.
$decryptedSessionId = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $decoded, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv);
// Trim the whitespace from the end.
$session_id = rtrim($decryptedSessionId, "\0");
// Return it.
return $session_id;
public function _getIv() {
return md5($this->_getSalt());
public function _getSalt() {
return md5($this->drupal->drupalGetHashSalt());
class Session {
const SESS_CIPHER = 'aes-128-cbc';
* Encrypts the session ID and returns it as a base 64 encoded string.
* @param $session_id
* @return string
public function encrypt($session_id) {
// Get the MD5 hash salt as a key.
$key = $this->_getSalt();
// For an easy iv, MD5 the salt again.
$iv = $this->_getIv();
// Encrypt the session ID.
$ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($session_id, self::SESS_CIPHER, $key, $options=OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
// Base 64 encode the encrypted session ID.
$encryptedSessionId = base64_encode($ciphertext);
// Return it.
return $encryptedSessionId;
* Decrypts a base 64 encoded encrypted session ID back to its original form.
* @param $encryptedSessionId
* @return string
public function decrypt($encryptedSessionId) {
// Get the Drupal hash salt as a key.
$key = $this->_getSalt();
// Get the iv.
$iv = $this->_getIv();
// Decode the encrypted session ID from base 64.
$decoded = base64_decode($encryptedSessionId, TRUE);
// Decrypt the string.
$decryptedSessionId = openssl_decrypt($decoded, self::SESS_CIPHER, $key, $options=OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
// Trim the whitespace from the end.
$session_id = rtrim($decryptedSessionId, '\0');
// Return it.
return $session_id;
public function _getIv() {
$ivlen = openssl_cipher_iv_length(self::SESS_CIPHER);
return substr(md5($this->_getSalt()), 0, $ivlen);
public function _getSalt() {
return $this->drupal->drupalGetHashSalt();
public function make_hash($userStr){
* Used and tested on PHP 7.2x, Salt has been removed manually, it is now added by PHP
return password_hash($userStr, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
}catch(Exception $exc){
$this->tempVar = $exc->getMessage();
return false;
public function varify_user($userStr,$hash){
if (password_verify($userStr, $hash)) {
return true;
else {
return false;
}catch(Exception $exc){
$this->tempVar = $exc->getMessage();
return false;
//create hash from user string
$user_password = $obj->make_hash2($user_key);
if($obj->varify_user($key, $user_key)){
//this is correct, you can proceed with