Pip 冻结和 Conda 列表的区别

我同时使用“ pip 冻结”和“ conda 列表”来列出安装在我的环境中的软件包,但是它们有什么不同呢?

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If the goal only is to list all the installed packages, pip list or conda list are the way to go.

pip freeze, like conda list --export, is more for generating requirements files for your environment. For example, if you have created a package in your customized environment with certain dependencies, you can do conda list --export > requirements.txt. When you are ready to distribute your package to other users, they can easily duplicate your environment and the associated dependencies with conda create --name <envname> --file requirements.txt.

The differences between conda and pip need a longer discussion. There are plenty of explanations on StackOverflow. This article by Jake VanderPlas is a great read as well.

You might also find this table useful. It lists operation equivalences between conda, pip and virtualenv.