Both Kestrel and Node.js are based on libuv.
While Node.js exactly states that it uses an event loop, I can't seem to find if such is the case for Kestrel, or if it utilizes thread pooling / request queue like IIS?
┌─>│ timers │
│ └──────────┬────────────┘
│ ┌──────────┴────────────┐
│ │ I/O callbacks │
│ └──────────┬────────────┘
│ ┌──────────┴────────────┐
│ │ idle, prepare │
│ └──────────┬────────────┘ ┌───────────────┐
│ ┌──────────┴────────────┐ │ incoming: │
│ │ poll │<─────┤ connections, │
│ └──────────┬────────────┘ │ data, etc. │
│ ┌──────────┴────────────┐ └───────────────┘
│ │ check │
│ └──────────┬────────────┘
│ ┌──────────┴────────────┐
└──┤ close callbacks │