是否有 jQuery 核心功能或者插件已经支持这个功能?
我应该自己卷吗? 从哪里开始?
var timeoutId = 0; $('#myElement').on('mousedown', function() { timeoutId = setTimeout(myFunction, 1000); }).on('mouseup mouseleave', function() { clearTimeout(timeoutId); });
编辑 : 每安迪修正... 谢谢!
编辑2 : 现在对每个 gnarf 具有相同处理程序的两个事件使用 bind
假设您可以在 mousedown中开始一个 setTimeout调用,然后在 mouseup中取消它(如果 mouseup发生在您的超时完成之前)。
但是,似乎有一个插件: 长击。
Here's my current implementation:
$.liveClickHold = function(selector, fn) { $(selector).live("mousedown", function(evt) { var $this = $(this).data("mousedown", true); setTimeout(function() { if ($this.data("mousedown") === true) { fn(evt); } }, 500); }); $(selector).live("mouseup", function(evt) { $(this).data("mousedown", false); }); }
编码(但在 这把小提琴上测试)
(function($) { function startTrigger(e) { var $elem = $(this); $elem.data('mouseheld_timeout', setTimeout(function() { $elem.trigger('mouseheld'); }, e.data)); } function stopTrigger() { var $elem = $(this); clearTimeout($elem.data('mouseheld_timeout')); } var mouseheld = $.event.special.mouseheld = { setup: function(data) { // the first binding of a mouseheld event on an element will trigger this // lets bind our event handlers var $this = $(this); $this.bind('mousedown', +data || mouseheld.time, startTrigger); $this.bind('mouseleave mouseup', stopTrigger); }, teardown: function() { var $this = $(this); $this.unbind('mousedown', startTrigger); $this.unbind('mouseleave mouseup', stopTrigger); }, time: 750 // default to 750ms }; })(jQuery); // usage $("div").bind('mouseheld', function(e) { console.log('Held', e); })
var _timeoutId = 0; var _startHoldEvent = function(e) { _timeoutId = setInterval(function() { myFunction.call(e.target); }, 1000); }; var _stopHoldEvent = function() { clearInterval(_timeoutId ); }; $('#myElement').on('mousedown', _startHoldEvent).on('mouseup mouseleave', _stopHoldEvent);
I made a simple JQuery plugin for this if anyone is interested.
//Add custom event listener $(':root').on('mousedown', '*', function() { var el = $(this), events = $._data(this, 'events'); if (events && events.clickHold) { el.data( 'clickHoldTimer', setTimeout( function() { el.trigger('clickHold') }, el.data('clickHoldTimeout') ) ); } }).on('mouseup mouseleave mousemove', '*', function() { clearTimeout($(this).data('clickHoldTimer')); }); //Attach it to the element $('#HoldListener').data('clickHoldTimeout', 2000); //Time to hold $('#HoldListener').on('clickHold', function() { console.log('Worked!'); });
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> <img src="http://lorempixel.com/400/200/" id="HoldListener">
看看 JSFiddle
Now you need just to set the time of holding and add clickHold event on your element
Try this:
var thumbnailHold; $(".image_thumb").mousedown(function() { thumbnailHold = setTimeout(function(){ checkboxOn(); // Your action Here } , 1000); return false; }); $(".image_thumb").mouseup(function() { clearTimeout(thumbnailHold); });