// SuppressWarnings(PMD.PreserveStackTrace) justification: (false positive) exceptions are chained
Only the "SuppressWarnings(PMD." part is significant for a comment, but it is consistent with PMD's support for the @SuppressWarning annotation which does recognize individual rule violations by name:
These techniques makes things look reasonably consistent across tools. Note that having each warning suppression contain the string "SuppressWarnings" makes it easy to run a simple search to find all instances for all tools over an entire code base.
Maven2 has report plugins that work with the above tools to generate reports at build time. We use this to get overall project reports, which are more useful when you want aggregate numbers. These are generated by our CI builds, which run using 连续体.
in our project we use Sonar in front of checkstyle, pmd.... together with the CI (Bamboo, Hudson) we get also a nice history of our source quality and what directing we go. I do like Sonar, because you one central tool in the CI Stack that does it for you, and you can easy customize the rules for each project.