How do I change a single index value in pandas dataframe?

energy.loc['Republic of Korea']

I want to change the value of index from 'Republic of Korea' to 'South Korea'. But the dataframe is too large and it is not possible to change every index value. How do I change only this single value?

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You want to do something like this:

as_list = df.index.tolist()
idx = as_list.index('Republic of Korea')
as_list[idx] = 'South Korea'
df.index = as_list

Basically, you get the index as a list, change that one element, and the replace the existing index.

Here's another idea based on set_value

df = df.reset_index()
df.drop('index', axis = 1, inplace=True)
index = df.index[df["Country"] == "Republic of Korea"]
df.set_value(index, "Country", "South Korea")
df = df.set_index("Country")
df["Country"] = df.index

Here's another good one, using replace on the column.

df.drop('index', axis = 1, inplace=True)
df["Country"].replace("Republic of Korea", value="South Korea", inplace=True)
df.set_index("Country", inplace=True)

@EdChum's solution looks good. Here's one using rename, which would replace all these values in the index.

energy.rename(index={'Republic of Korea':'South Korea'},inplace=True)

Here's an example

>>> example = pd.DataFrame({'key1' : ['a','a','a','b','a','b'],
'data1' : [1,2,2,3,nan,4],
'data2' : list('abcdef')})
>>> example.set_index('key1',inplace=True)
>>> example
data1 data2
a       1.0     a
a       2.0     b
a       2.0     c
b       3.0     d
a       NaN     e
b       4.0     f

>>> example.rename(index={'a':'c'}) # can also use inplace=True
data1 data2
c       1.0     a
c       2.0     b
c       2.0     c
b       3.0     d
c       NaN     e
b       4.0     f

If you have MultiIndex DataFrame, do this:

# input DataFrame
import pandas as pd
t = pd.DataFrame(data={'i1':[0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2],
t.set_index(['i1','i2'], inplace=True)

# changes index level 'i1' values 0 to -1
t.rename(index={0:-1}, level='i1', inplace=True)

Try This

df.rename(index={'Republic of Korea':'South Korea'},inplace=True)

This seems to work too:

energy.index.values[energy.index.tolist().index('Republic of Korea')] = 'South Korea'

No idea though whether this is recommended or discouraged.

We can use rename function to change row index or column name. Here is the example,

Suppose data frame is like given below,

       student_id     marks
1        12          33
2        23          98
  • To change index 1 to 5

we will use axis = 0 which is for row

df.rename({ 1 : 5 }, axis=0)

df refers to data frame variable. So, output will be like

       student_id     marks
5        12          33
2        23          98
  • To change column name

we will have to use axis = 1

df.rename({ "marks" : "student_marks" }, axis=1)

so, changed data frame is

       student_id     student_marks
5        12              33
2        23              98