何时在快速会话中使用 saveUninitialization 和重新保存

我是个新手,手里拿着一堆东西。我读了 Github 博士的快速会议,但有一些选择,我不清楚。这些选项是 saveUninitializedresave

有没有人能解释一下 例子使用 saveUninitializedresave的优点是什么,以及如果我们改变这些选项中的布尔值会产生什么影响。


resave: false,
saveUninitialized: true,
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Let's assume that sessions are enabled globally (for all requests).

When a client makes an HTTP request, and that request doesn't contain a session cookie, a new session will be created by express-session. Creating a new session does a few things:

  • generate a unique session id
  • store that session id in a session cookie (so subsequent requests made by the client can be identified)
  • create an empty session object, as req.session
  • depending on the value of saveUninitialized, at the end of the request, the session object will be stored in the session store (which is generally some sort of database)

If during the lifetime of the request the session object isn't modified then, at the end of the request and when saveUninitialized is false, the (still empty, because unmodified) session object will not be stored in the session store.

The reasoning behind this is that this will prevent a lot of empty session objects being stored in the session store. Since there's nothing useful to store, the session is "forgotten" at the end of the request.

When do you want to enable this? When you want to be able to identify recurring visitors, for example. You'd be able to recognize such a visitor because they send the session cookie containing the unique id.

About resave: this may have to be enabled for session stores that don't support the "touch" command. What this does is tell the session store that a particular session is still active, which is necessary because some stores will delete idle (unused) sessions after some time.

If a session store driver doesn't implement the touch command, then you should enable resave so that even when a session wasn't changed during a request, it is still updated in the store (thereby marking it active).

So it entirely depends on the session store that you're using if you need to enable this option or not.

One thing to note is that if you set saveUninitialized to false, the session cookie will not be set on the browser unless the session is modified. That behavior may be implied but it was not clear to me when I was first reading through the documentation.

on saveUninitialized set true server will provide the browser with session cookie as well as save it in its memory, even there is no modification you have done in the session object. but when the later field is set false server will provide the session cookie only when you modify the session object, if you already have the session cookie then no worries!!

resave: It basically means that for every request to the server, it reset the session cookie. Even if the request was from the same user or browser and the session was never modified during the request.

saveUninitialized: When an empty session object is created and no properties are set, it is the uninitialized state. So, setting saveUninitialized to false will not save the session if it is not modified.

The default value of both resave and saveUninitialized is true, but using the default is deprecated. So, set the appropriate value according to the use case.

I came to one conclusion:

1.When you set saveUninitialized to false, and if your created Session Object isn't modified i.e left empty, then you won't be able to see connect.sid on your browser cookies. This eventually forces your store not to store the session object because it hasn't been modified i.e left uninitialized. And vice versa for true.

For eg:

const express = require('express');
const dotenv = require("dotenv").config();
const app = express();
const session = require("express-session");
// req.session.user="sundar";
// req.session.admin=true;

if (req.session.user === "sundar") {
res.send("uploaded" + req.session.user)


app.listen(process.env.PORT, () => {
console.log(`Listening on http://localhost:${process.env.PORT}`);

In this example if you hit /login from postman or browser and if you look at cookies, you won't be able to see connect.id because created session object isn't modified.

But if you modify /login as:

/* here we modified session object by adding user and admin properties to object created */

Thus you can see connect.id cookie being set at browser or postman cookies section. This also means if you have a store connected with your session middleware, now your session will be stored at the store.

  1. If you set resave to true,then for each request your session-cookie will be reset each time. Ref : click here to read
  1. Uninitialised = false
    It means that Your session is only Stored into your storage, when any of the Property is modified in req.session
  2. Uninitialised = true
    It means that Your session will be stored into your storage Everytime for request. It will not depend on the modification of req.session.
  3. resave = true
    It means when the modification is performed on the session it will re write the req.session.cookie object.
  4. resave = false
    It will not rewrite the req.session.cookie object. the initial req.session.cookie remains as it is.