You can use SQLMetal.exe to generate your dbml and or cs/vb file. Use a pre-build script to start it and target the directory where your datacontext project belongs.
Huagati DBML/EDMX Tools is an add-in
for Visual Studio that adds
functionality to the Linq2SQL/DBML
diagram designer in Visual Studio
2008, and to the ADO.NET Entity
Framework designer in Visual Studio
2008 SP1. The add-in adds new menu
options for updating Linq2SQL designer
diagrams with database changes, for
renaming Linq-to-SQL (DBML) and EF
(EDMX) classes and properties to use
.net naming conventions, and for
adding documentation/descriptions to
Linq-to-SQL generated classes from the
database properties.
DamienG has written some t4 templates which can replace some of what VS generates for you. These can be rerun whenever you like via a command line tool.
T4 templates have the added benefit of being editable. This allows you to tweak what is generated to you hearts content.
Here is an easy fix without any additional software, that just works for simple changes (like added fields, few tables, etc).
You pull a copy of the changed table into the designer (will be removed later)
Now select all the new (or changed) fields and (right-click ->) copy
In your original table right click and insert them (delete changed fields first)
Now delete the table you copied them from
I know it is kinda obvious, but somehow non-intuitive, and it helped me a lot, since all the right attributes and types will be copied, and all links stay intact. Hope it helps.
When to use:
Of course it is - as said - for small changes, but surely better than manually replacing tables with many links, or when you don't want your whole database structure generated by SQLMetal. For example when you have a big amount of tables (e.g. SAP), or when using cross-linked tables from different databases.