We can do that with two way:
1- First create a new object and replicate the structure of the existing one by iterating
over its properties and copying them on the primitive level.
let user = {
name: "John",
age: 30
let clone = {}; // the new empty object
// let's copy all user properties into it
for (let key in user) {
clone[key] = user[key];
// now clone is a fully independant clone
clone.name = "Pete"; // changed the data in it
alert( user.name ); // still John in the original object
2- Second we can use the method Object.assign for that
let user = { name: "John" };
let permissions1 = { canView: true };
let permissions2 = { canEdit: true };
// copies all properties from permissions1 and permissions2 into user
Object.assign(user, permissions1, permissions2);
-Another example
let user = {
name: "John",
age: 30
let clone = Object.assign({}, user);
It copies all properties of user into the empty object and returns it. Actually, the same as the loop, but shorter.
但 Object.sign ()并没有创建一个深度克隆
let user = {
name: "John",
sizes: {
height: 182,
width: 50
let clone = Object.assign({}, user);
alert( user.sizes === clone.sizes ); // true, same object
// user and clone share sizes
user.sizes.width++; // change a property from one place
alert(clone.sizes.width); // 51, see the result from the other one
为了解决这个问题,我们应该使用克隆循环来检查 user [ key ]的每个值,如果它是一个对象,那么也复制它的结构。这就是所谓的“深度克隆”。
// make an object for a booking option
var opt_resa = { breakfast_val: 900 }
// i define a function for opt_resa :
opt_resa.func = function(){ alert('i am a function'); }
// copy object in modif.opt_resa :
var modif = { opt_resa : {} }
for ( var v in opt_resa ){
modif.opt_resa[v] = opt_resa[v];
// test
modif.opt_resa.breakfast_val = 1500;
// old value
console.log( opt_resa.breakfast_val );
// output : 900
// modified value
console.log( modif.opt_resa.breakfast_val );
// output : 1500
// function copied
// this function works