Xcode 8配置文件无法下载

我最近更新到 Xcode 8,当我点击“下载”选项旁边的供应配置文件在 Xcode/参数/帐户/查看详细信息菜单它改为灰色,不下载。重新启动 Xcode 后,下载按钮再次单击,问题仍然存在。 Xcode 8 "starts" download and button is grey forever 手动下载供应配置文件并放在 Xcode 图标上,不会将配置文件添加到 Xcode 8中的特定开发人员帐户中。最近有人解决了这个问题吗?我检查了所有与新 Xcode 版本相关的问题,仍然没有解决方案。

37375 次浏览

Try deleting and adding your account if that doesn't work out


Open Terminal

Type defaults delete com.apple.Xcode and press "Enter." This deletes the customised settings set up.

Type rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Xcode and press "Enter." This removes the configuration folders as well.

This saved my day if problem persists again reinstall Xcode

I'm seeing the same issue where the download button is grayed but the download never seems to complete.

I manually deleted all the profiles in finder and clicked on download. Even if the download doesn't seem to complete, the profile is still downloaded...

You can check out your profiles in finder at

HOME/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

enter image description here

In mu case the issue started appearing after I added Push capability(I checked the push notification toggle button in target->capabilities) If I go and uncheck that then I can build and upload to app store.

I've come across same problem and nothing solved it, so i found one work around

  1. Download provisioning profile directly from developer account and double tap on it, it will get install in xcode.
  2. Download and install iPhone configuration utility.
  3. Open iPhone configuration utility there you will find all the provisioning profile
  4. Then select the provisioning profile you want to use, then it details of the profile you can see Profile identifier.
  5. Copy that Profile identifier and open xcode.
  6. Navigate to the code signing identity and there in provisioning profile select others and paste the copied Profile identifier.
  7. Bingo!

Note that this UI in Xcode is a convenience and shouldn't block your work. The profiles you'd like to download are still available following these steps:

  1. Visit developer.apple.com in Safari
  2. Click Account and sign in
  3. Click on Ceritficates, Identifiers, and Profiles
  4. Navigate to the profile you're interested in and download it
  5. Drag the downloaded profile onto Xcode's icon in the dock.

At this point, your profile will be installed on your Mac and usable within Xcode.

For the OP — if manually installing the profile this way didn't resolve the issue, then you're likely seeing another configuration problem or a bug. Could you clarify what you saw after you manually installed the profile and selected it in the General tab — did you get a build error or other issue?

I was having this same issue. Here is what I did that solved the problem for me.

  • First I right clicked on each of the two profiles that would "grey-non-download" and moved to trash.
  • Then I deleted the developer account within Xcode.
  • I re-added the developer account, went back to details and download all.

It worked for me, hope this helps.

I got around it by unchecking and rechecking:

Project Settings -> General -> Signing -> 'Automatically manage signing'

In my case (Xamarin.iOS btw) I've manually deleted all provisioning profiles located in HOME/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles but I needed to do something else to be able to deploy the app to a device:

The problem was that I had implemented the brand new iOS 10 Push Notifications Framework, which requires the addition of the following property to the Entitlements.plist:


And I was trying to deploy a development version using the value production instead of development. Changing that value did the trick.

I've had this issue too, and have had some success with renaming the profile. For example, it used to be named "[App Name] Dev", and no matter what I did, renewing, deleting and recreating with the same name, manually installing it, it just would not work at all. Until I renamed the profile to "[App Name] Development".

Actually, all provided solutions could work or not, it depends on your luck, but mainly you have to keep delete account, clean up provision profiles like "mogile_oli"'s answer, and re-add them, but also, don't forget to reset signing identities:

Accounts -> Select Added Account -> Select Team and View Details (or double click team name) -> you will see Reset button if needed, click on it,

And you really need to try to build with Automatic Signing first then remove it, it seems can't be downloaded with button, for now just ignore the download button from this page, but better to use the dialogs while you try to build.

And always Quit Xcode and Re-open it after almost each action you do, After wasting like 2 days, I made it work like this !

The answer is here.

Its doesn't sound much but it really worked for me.

Just right click on the provision profile and click on Show in finder. Then delete all the provision profile in the entire folder.

Not goto Xcode project settings and Check the checkbox, Automatically manager signing. The xcode will do the rest for you.

For me it helped to Import Profile in XCode in General Settings: Import Profile in XCode

I had the same issue. I leave the solution that worked for me:

I deleted all certificates that were expired from my keyChain, I noticed that the new certificates didn't download because I had an expired certificate related. I don't know why it seems to be an issue of my keyChain/iTunes

I solved it by creating my own development certificate (In Xcode) and assigning it in the development provisioning profile. After I download and double click it I was able to get it working fine.