// Setting
var t = setInterval(doSomething, 1000);
// Pausing (which is really stopping)
t = 0;
// Resuming (which is really just setting again)
t = setInterval(doSomething, 1000);
下面是我自己的可暂停计时器的实现。它整合了 Tim Down 回答中的注释,比如更好的暂停(内核的注释)和一种原型形式(Umur Gedik 的注释)
function Timer( callback, delay ) {
/** Get access to this object by value **/
var self = this;
/********************* PROPERTIES *********************/
this.delay = delay;
this.callback = callback;
this.starttime;// = ;
this.timerID = null;
/********************* METHODS *********************/
* Pause
this.pause = function() {
/** If the timer has already been paused, return **/
if ( self.timerID == null ) {
console.log( 'Timer has been paused already.' );
/** Pause the timer **/
window.clearTimeout( self.timerID );
self.timerID = null; // this is how we keep track of the timer having beem cleared
/** Calculate the new delay for when we'll resume **/
self.delay = self.starttime + self.delay - new Date().getTime();
console.log( 'Paused the timer. Time left:', self.delay );
* Resume
this.resume = function() {
self.starttime = new Date().getTime();
self.timerID = window.setTimeout( self.callback, self.delay );
console.log( 'Resuming the timer. Time left:', self.delay );
/********************* CONSTRUCTOR METHOD *********************/
* Private constructor
* Not a language construct.
* Mind var to keep the function private and () to execute it right away.
var __construct = function() {
self.starttime = new Date().getTime();
self.timerID = window.setTimeout( self.callback, self.delay )
}(); /* END __construct */
} /* END Timer */
var timer = new Timer( function(){ console.log( 'hey! this is a timer!' ); }, 10000 );