from psutil import process_iterfrom signal import SIGTERM # or SIGKILL
for proc in process_iter():for conns in proc.connections(kind='inet'):if conns.laddr.port == 8080:proc.send_signal(SIGTERM) # or SIGKILLcontinue
set /P port="Enter port : "echo showing process running with port %port%
netstat -ano|findstr "PID :%port%"
set /P pid="Enter PID to kill : "
taskkill /pid %pid% /f
set /P exit="Press any key to exit..."
const { exec } = require('child_process');const fs = require(`fs`);
const port = process.argv.length > 2 ? process.argv[2] : ``;if (!port || isNaN(port)) console.log(`port is required as an argument and has to be a number`);else {exec(`netstat -ano | findstr :${port}`, (err, stdout, stderr) => {if (!stdout) console.log(`nobody listens on port ${port}`);else {const res = stdout.split(`\n`).map(s => s.trim());const pid = => s.split(` `).pop()).filter(s => s).pop();console.log(`Listener of ${port} is found, its pid is ${pid}, killing it...`);exec(`taskkill /PID ${pid} /F`, (err, stdout, stderr) => {if (!stdout) console.log(`we tried to kill it, but not sure about the result, please run me again`);else console.log(stdout);})}});}