上传到 iTunes Connect 后,新版本将消失

我正在尝试用 Xcode 8将构建上传到 iTunesConnect。Xcode 告诉我上传是成功的。在 iTunesConnect 的 Activity 选项卡中,我看到我的构建出现了,它被标记为“ Processing...”。但是几分钟后,这个版本消失了,我在任何地方都找不到它。我试图用 Xcode 8再次上传它,但它说构建已经上传到 iTunesConnect。所以当我尝试上传增加版本的 build 时,它说 OK,但是我仍然看不到 iTunesConnect 中的 build。我尝试用应用程序加载器上传,但也存在同样的问题。

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Check your email. App Store review may send you a email for User Usage.
This may help you. NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in Xcode8

Had the same issue. Without access to email of that Itunes Connect account, it's almost impossible to detect that something is wrong (it seems, that apps not crashing anymore if privacy keys are missing, as it described here). I guess you know what device capabilities your app uses. So you can try to add privacy keys you needed to Info.plist (check "Privacy - ... Usage Description" keys in the docs)

I had same issue, and I sent a mail to App Store Developer Support. They replied me today as follow:

It can take up to 24 hours for a newly submitted build to process. If your recently submitted build has been processing for more than 24 hours, we recommend submitting a new build with a higher build number as this typically resolves the issue. If after submitting a new build, you have a processing time of more than 24 hours, please respond to this message with the following information: - App Name - Apple ID of the App - Prerelease Version and Build number that is currently processing - A screenshot illustrating the current build(s) processing in the TestFlight section of iTunes Connect.

Give it a try!


I solve the issue after a add usage description (like photo, camera...) in plist.*

I also faced same issue. After adding missing privacy-sensitive key data usage in apps Info.plist the problem is fixed.

  1. Check and add the missing keys in your Info.plist file. Refer the link https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CocoaKeys.html for more info.

  2. Some keys might be used by the 3rd party pods included in your application. Find them and include in your Info.plist file.(You can get them easily from App Store email sent to you)

3.Following are the keys which fixed my issue, add,NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription,NSCalendarsUsageDescription,NSContactsUsageDescription,NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription,NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription.

Got hit with same issue. Tried every possible steps including; 1. Incrementing build number 2. Adding required usage description 3. Tried both options: Xcode8 as well as application loader. Nothing worked in my case. Build was successfully validated and showing in "Activity" tab of itunesconnect showing as "Processing". once you refresh the itunesconnect portal, it got disappeared.

Now, what worked is : Once build shows as "Processing" in itunesconnect portal,just wait and do nothing in itunesconnect portal. DON'T refresh the all builds tab around 2-3 hours depending on your app size.(Seems no logic but this is the way it worked.)

After then, binary will be available for submitting in itunesconnect.

I was able to submit the build to app store after adding all privacy keys required to be added in info.plist.Make sure to go through the list from below link to check services we are accessing in our app require privacy keys to be added for ios10 support https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CocoaKeys.html

I was missing NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription privacy key in info.plist & after adding this key to info.plist I was able to upload to itunesconnect successfully.

With the help of Apple Support Staff, I found one more reason that can cause this problem.

If there are older versions of third party frameworks (in my case the culprit was GoogleMobileAds.framework), the app build will be removed after processing, without errors or warnings. If you encounter this problem, check and update all third party frameworks that are used i your app.

You have to wait like 5 - 20 mins and you will find the app in Activity tab (left side).

If you are in admin position for that developer account, you will receive an email about the state of the build you submitted.

Build disappeared. Wondered why, but did nothing. 12 hours later, was notified that it has completed processing and I was able to deploy it to TestFlight testers.

Thought perhaps it was because I accidentally uploaded an archive of my previous .ipa first via the Application Loader, rather than the newly exported one. But this may be just random circumstances. Either way, I did nothing, and it reappeared—albeit 12 hours later when often processing has been completing in about 20-30 minutes recently.

I faced same issue, but it was due to permission issue.

App need Audio Recording permission, which were missing in info.plist. Please check your info.plist and all required permission.

After that app is successfully submitted and displayed on iTuneConnets.

Had the same issue. Build gone after a few minutes. No email, no error...

I finally added a second user to my account, with another apple ID. That user could then receive an email explaining that some privacy settings (bluetooth usage) were missing...

Apple I just hate you as a developer. Bad tools, bad architecture, bad support.

I encounter the same problem. The app did send to TestFlight successfully 4 days ago. But tester said, she can not see the newest released app in TestFlight app.

I log in iTunesConnect and verify the newest app have been ready 4 days ago. But my TestFlight app cannot see it. I refresh app list in TestFlight 2 ~ 3 times, and re-install app from TestFlight. Then the tester said she receive the notification email about newest app is ready.... And I can see the newest app finally.

I don't know what happen at the end.

I encounter the same problem. I tried with different builds but it failed, Finally i checked my plist it have permission key but no description. I was using addressbook framework to fetch contacts but later on move to CNContact, Key in plist without description was working fine but after adding CNContact App is removed from Activity view of itunes after uploading.

Please check every permission key have description or not, Apple can remove your app from Activity/Testflight when you upload.

This happened to me also last week. Nothing changed with my old app, just want to release a new version with minor changes. I uploaded my IPA to server, after some processing, the build was disappeared from the Activity page. I also didn't received any email from Apple describing the error.

I opened a ticket to Apple at Friday. At Tuesday, suddenly all my builds finished processing and be available on the Activity page. I think some triggering was done by Apple. Then I sent my last build to review and they replied my ticket with saying that since my build was in queue for review, is there anything else they can help.

May be someone else can use this information and hope Apple will update their system so that we can see the errors on the web page if any, not wait for an email.

In my case, the issue was a missing BitCode flag. I don't remember why I had disabled bitcode, but I have been successfully uploading with bitcode disabled for a month or so.

Suddenly the uploaded builds started disappearing shortly after they had begun processing, but when I enabled bitcode, the upload was again correctly recognized in the appstoreconnect console.

Now I finally get the mails of completed processing, and I can access the uploaded build as normal.

EDIT: The non-bitcode uploads did eventually appear after 4 days, while the one with bitcode took 30 min.

What worked for me was:

  1. Check your pods, if they have the last version (pod update). Apple will silently reject sometimes because of this.
  2. Make sure all targets have the same devices checked (had a diff there)
  3. Also compare your plist with the visual config in XCode. Sometimes there are discrepancies, XCode doesn't properly update the info.plist tags, if so, align both.
  4. All the above with the privacy keys.

I can't believe that "silently reject/ remove" is a thing for Apple, but well...

I had the same issue with a Cordova-based App build.

The problem seemed to be that the app was still using UIWebView. I was able to solve the problem by adding <preference name="WKWebViewOnly" value="true" /> to config.xml.

In my case I had


in my Info.plist but not in the Info.plist of some of my app extensions, and App Store connect was silently deleting the builds after processing. I made them all match and it worked. Lame that there's no error message!

In my case, the issue was that I had started preparing the release while the archive was being created.

I had uploaded v1.0.0 of my app, and it had passed app store review and was available for sale.

Based on user feedback, I made some very minor changes to the UI text ONLY and created v1.0.1. No changes to libraries, no new permissions etc. Imagine my surprise when I was not able to see the build after uploading.

I ended up resubmitting 5 times (build 7 to build 11). I even downgraded my version of xcode and retried. Nothing helped.

Then, I remembered that I had started creating a new release v1.0.1 in the App Store and had saved the new release information. My thought was that once the build was available, I would attach it and submit for review.

I could not find a way to delete the partially created release, so I changed the version in xcode to v1.0.2 and retried. And it worked.

I then changed the app store release version also to v1.0.2, associated the build and submitted for review.

Screenshots of the lost releases: still processing version and now it is gone only 1.0.2 works

Apple Support will send an email to admin. Please check email you might have missing permissions in you info.plist file. In my case i got an email in which apple store mention of two missing permissions. Thats why after processing is complete apple reject your app and its not available on testFlight any more.

ITMS-00000: Missing Purpose String in Info.plist - Your app's code references one or more APIs that access sensitive user data. The app's Info.plist file should contain a NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key with a user-facing purpose string explaining clearly and completely why your app needs the data. Starting Spring 2019, all apps submitted to the App Store that access user data are required to include a purpose string. If you're using external libraries or SDKs, they may reference APIs that require a purpose string. While your app might not use these APIs, a purpose string is still required.