Unfortunately, you can't, although this is an often requested feature.
One option would be to insert (key, value) tuples into the heap. However, that won't work if the values throw an exception when compared (they will be compared in the case of a tie between keys).
A second option would be to define a __lt__ (less-than) method in the class that will use the appropriate attribute to compare the elements for sorting. However, that might not be possible if the objects were created by another package or if you need them to compare differently elsewhere in the program.
A third option would be to use the sortedlist class from the blist module (disclaimer: I'm the author). The constructor for sortedlist takes a key parameter that lets you specify a function to return the sort key of an element, similar to the key parameter of list.sort and sorted.
heapq sorts objects the same way list.sort does, so just define a method __cmp__() within your class definition, which will compare itself to another instance of the same class:
So if you don't want to (or can't?) do a __cmp__ method, you can manually extract your sorting key at push time.
Note that if the first elements in a pair of tuples are equal, further elements will be compared. If this is not what you want, you need to ensure that each first element is unique.
According to the Official Document, a solution to this is to store entries as tuples (please take a look at Section 8.4.1 and 8.4.2).
For example, your object is something like this in tuple's format
(key, value_1, value_2)
When you put the objects (i.e. tuples) into heap, it will take the first attribute in the object (in this case is key) to compare. If a tie happens, the heap will use the next attribute (i.e. value_1) and so on.
You could implement a heapdict. Note the use of popitem() to get the lowest priority item.
import heapdict as hd
import string
import numpy as np
h = hd.heapdict()
keys = [char for char in string.ascii_lowercase[:10]]
vals = [i for i in np.random.randint(0,10, 10)]
for k,v in zip(keys,vals):
h[k] = v
for i in range(len(vals)):
print h.popitem()
I had the same question but none of the above answers hit the spot although some were close but not elaborated enough. Anyway, I did some research and tried this piece of code and hopefully this should be sufficient for someone next who is looking to get an answer:
The problem with using a tuple is it only uses the first item which is not very flexible. I wanted something similar to std::priority_queue in c++ like this:
std::priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int>>, comparator> pq;
where I could design my own comparator which is more common in real world applications.
I feel the simplest way is to override the existing cmp_lt function of the heapq module. A short example:
import heapq
# your custom function. Here, comparing tuples a and b based on their 2nd element
def new_cmp_lt(self,a,b):
return a[1]<b[1]
#override the existing "cmp_lt" module function with your function
#Now use everything like normally used
Note: Somebody more qualified should comment if this conflicts with recommended coding practices. But it can still be useful for something "quick & dirty" e.g. in coding interviews with limited time and a lot more to do instead of spending time on subclassing correctly.
There is a module called heaps. The Github address is https://github.com/gekco/heapy. You can apply your own key / sort function at instantiation of the class or when creating the heap from an array, which is very useful as this saves you adding it as an argument every time you perform an action.
Example where I want the list what the smallest element at the last position of the tuple be on top of the heap:
With dataclasses, it is easy to make a data holder with customized ordering. For example, here is a Person class that excludes the name field from the comparison order:
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
class Person:
name: str = field(compare=False)
age: int
actors = [
Person('T Hanks', 65),
Person('E Olson', 33),
Person('A Tapping', 58),
Sometimes you have to work with the data as provided and need to control the comparison order without changing the original class.
The solution is to add a wrapper with the new comparison. This leaves the unoriginal data and its class unchanged. Here is a modern recipe for adding such a wrapper:
As noted in the modern documentation, the traditional solution with decorating tuples no longer works for some essential use cases. In particular, if the objects in the heap are functions, a tuple in the form of (priority, task) no longer works in Python 3 because functions cannot be compared.
The new suggestion is to use a wrapper such as:
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any
class PrioritizedItem:
priority: int
item: Any=field(compare=False)
This will always work even if the item objects aren't comparable.