If there are N cities, the brute force method will try each and every permutation of these N cities to find which one is cheapest. Now the number of permutations with N cities is N! making it's complexity factorial (O(N!)).
There are problems, that are NP-complete(verifiable in nondeterministic polynomial time). Meaning if input scales, then your computation needed to solve the problem increases more then a lot.
I think I'm a bit late, but I find snailsort to be the best example of O(n!) deterministic algorithm. It basically finds the next permutation of an array until it sorts it.
It looks like this:
template <class Iter>
void snail_sort(Iter first, Iter last)
while (next_permutation(first, last)) {}
The recursive method you probably learned for taking the determinant of a matrix (if you took linear algebra) takes O(n!) time. Though I dont particularly feel like coding that all up.
Yes, this is O(n!). If you think it is not, I suggest you read the definition of BigOh.
I only added this answer because of the annoying habit people have to always use BigOh irrespective of what they actually mean.
For instance, I am pretty sure the question intended to ask Theta(n!), at least cn! steps and no more than Cn! steps for some constants c, C > 0, but chose to use O(n!) instead.
Another instance: Quicksort is O(n^2) in the worst case, while technically correct (Even heapsort is O(n^2) in the worst case!), what they actually mean is Quicksort is Omega(n^2) in the worst case.
You are right the recursive calls should take exactly n! time. here is a code like to test factorial time for n different values. Inner loop runs for n! time for different values of j, so the complexity of inner loop is Big O(n!)
public static void NFactorialRuntime(int n)
Console.WriteLine(" N Fn N!");
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) // This loop is just to test n different values
int f = Fact(i);
for (int j = 1; j <= f; j++) // This is Factorial times
{ ++x; }
Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2}", i, x, f);
x = 0;
Here are the test result for n = 5, it iterate exactly factorial time.
N Fn N!
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 6 6
4 24 24
5 120 120
Exact function with time complexity n!
// Big O(n!)
public static void NFactorialRuntime(int n)
for (int j = 1; j <= Fact(i); j++) { ++x; }
Console.WriteLine(" {0} {1} {2}", i, x, f);
This is a simple example of a function with complexity O(n!) given an array of int in parameter and an integer k. it returns true if there are two items from the array x+y = k , For example : if tab was [1, 2, 3, 4] and k=6 the returned value would be true because 2+4=6
As a bonus this is a unit test with jUnit, it works fine
public void testAddToUpK() {
DailyCodingProblem daProblem = new DailyCodingProblemImpl();
int tab[] = {10, 15, 3, 7};
int k = 17;
boolean result = true; //expected result because 10+7=17
assertTrue("expected value is true", daProblem.addToUpK(tab, k) == result);
k = 50;
result = false; //expected value because there's any two numbers from the list add up to 50
assertTrue("expected value is false", daProblem.addToUpK(tab, k) == result);