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You can save previous path in a componentWillReceiveProps lifecycle method. The logic is very close to the example provided in troubleshooting section of react-router docs.

<Route component={App}>
{/* ... other routes */}

const App = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return { prevPath: '' }

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.location !== this.props.location) {
this.setState({ prevPath: this.props.location })

And lately, access it from the state.

If you're using react-router-redux you can create a reducer which hooks into the events dispatched by react-router-redux.

export default function routerLocations(state = [], action) {
switch (action.type) {
case "@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE":
return [...state, action.payload]
return state;

You can pass down state using the <Link> component, in this case a pathname:

<Link to=\{\{pathname: '/nextpath', state: { prevPath: location.pathname }}}>Example Link</Link>

You can then access prevPath from this.props.location.state in the next component

If you are using the <Redirect /> component, you can add a from property that will be added into location.state in the component you redirects to.

// in the redirecting component
pathname: '/login',
state: { from: location }

//in the other component you redirected to
const { location } = props.location.state;

Use useHistory hook of react-router to go to the previous path in stateless of functional component. For more information follow the link https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router/blob/master/packages/react-router/docs/api/hooks.md#useroutematch

import { useHistory } from "react-router-dom";

function demo () {
let history = useHistory();
const goToPreviousPath = () => {
return (

If it's help, see this solution if you don't want the component to re-render and still get the previous path..


import { useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';

export default () => {
const location = useLocation();
const path = location.pathname;
const store = window.localStorage;
let url = '';
let prevUrl = '';

url = store.getItem('url');
store.setItem('prevUrl', url);
store.setItem('url', path);

url = store.getItem('url');
prevUrl = store.getItem('prevUrl');

return { url, prevUrl };


In other file

import Location from './location.js'

const { url, prevUrl } = Location()

React - Get previous path using props

console.log(props.history.location.state && props.history.location.state.from.pathname);

if you redirect using <Link> OR <Redirect> ? pathname : undefined

Instead of checking what the previous page is, approach the problem from a different angle. Pass the current page as props to the component or link that you're going to navigate to.

In the previous page or component that I'm calling history.push or clicking the link from, I add a state of the current page that I'm on e.g.

history.push(`/device/detail`, { from: 'device detail page' } );

I can then access what the previous page was using history.location.state.from

Using context you can store the previous location pathname:

const RouterContext = React.createContext();

const RouterProvider = ({children}) => {
const location = useLocation()
const [route, setRoute] = useState({ //--> It can be replaced with useRef or localStorage
to: location.pathname,
from: location.pathname //--> previous pathname

useEffect(()=> {
setRoute((prev)=> ({to: location.pathname, from: prev.to}) )
}, [location]);

return <RouterContext.Provider value={route}>

Then in some component under RouterProvider:

const route = useContext(RouterContext);
<Link to={route.from}>
Go Back



Note: RouterContext should be under Router component and If you don't want to update the state you can use useRef instead. If you need more persistence use localStorage

This answer uses a similar approach to @AlexandrLazarev, but implements it via React Hooks. This ensures that all changes to the path are captured regardless of how they are initiated. The previous path value is stored in the top level component's state which can then be passed down to children as props or if you're using a global state provider like Redux can be added to a store:

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

cont App = ({ location }) => {
const [currentPath, setCurrentPath] = useState(null);
const [previousPath, setPreviousPath] = useState(null);

useEffect(() => {
if (location.pathname !== currentPath) {
}, [location.pathname]);

The implementation in the markup would look something like the below snippet. I've been using Reach Router, but given that its been merged with React Router it should work there as well. The Router component makes the location prop available to all of its children and holds the value of the current path under its pathname attribute

<App path="/*" />

I needed a way to conditionally navigate only if previous path equals a specific route. With a functional component it worked out like this. The && will fire the .push() method only if route is '/cart'.

import {useHistory} from "react-router-dom";

const history = useHistory();

history.location.pathname === '/cart' && history.push('/checkout');

You could listen and build a back stack using history.listen. Here's a hook that does just that.

import { Location } from 'history';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { useHistory } from 'react-router';

const useBrowserBackStack = () => {
const history = useHistory();
const [backStack, setBackStack] = useState<Location[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
history.listen((location, action) => {
setBackStack(backStack => {
switch (action) {
case 'POP':
return backStack.slice(0, backStack.length - 1);
case 'PUSH':
return [...backStack, location];
case 'REPLACE':
return [...backStack.slice(0, backStack.length - 1), location];
}, [setBackStack, history]);
return backStack;

export default useBrowserBackStack;

Then use in your top level component like this

const backStack = useBrowserBackStack();

For those looking how to navigate to n pages backwards or forwards, with react-router-v6 you can use the useNavigate API,

import {useNavigate} from 'react-router-dom'

const navigate = useNavigate()

Then you can pass a function to an onClick event on a button for example

<button onClick={() => navigate(-1)}>Previous</button>

note that negative integers are for backwards and positive for forwards.

For further reading, check out the docs : https://reactrouter.com/docs/en/v6/upgrading/v5#use-usenavigate-instead-of-usehistory

As of 08/2022, for those using React Router v6, you can either use Navigate component, Link component or useNavigate hook to pass the previous url to the next component:

In the redirecting component:

// with Navigate component (same as with Link component):
const location = useLocation();
<Navigate to="/nextpath" state={ { from: location } } />

// with useNavigate hook:
const navigate = useNavigate();
const location = useLocation();
navigate("/nextpath", { state: { from: location } });

In the component you redirected to:

const location = useLocation();
let from = location.state?.from?.pathname;