例如,如果您确信任何 Bug 对象都将是一个受祝福的散列,那么您可以(最终!)在 Bug: : print _ me 方法中填写缺少的代码:
package Bug;
sub print_me
my ($self) = @_;
print "ID: $self->{id}\n";
print "$self->{descr}\n";
print "(Note: problem is fatal)\n" if $self->{type} eq "fatal";
现在,每当通过引用任何已经被保护到 Bug 类中的散列来调用 print _ me 方法时,$self 变量将提取作为第一个参数传递的引用,然后 print 语句将访问受保护散列的各个条目。
package Person;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
_firstName => shift,
_lastName => shift,
_ssn => shift,
# Print all the values just for clarification.
print "First Name is $self->{_firstName}\n";
print "Last Name is $self->{_lastName}\n";
print "SSN is $self->{_ssn}\n";
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
(() => {
//'use strict'; // uncomment to fix the bug mentioned below.
class Animal {
constructor(args) {
this.name = args.name;
this.sound = args.sound;
/* This is left for historical reasons,
* modern JavaScript engines no longer allow you to
* call class constructors without using new.
* var animal = Animal({
* 'name': 'Jeff',
* 'sound': 'bark'
* });
* console.log(animal.name + ', ' + animal.sound); // seems good
* console.log(window.name); // my window's name is Jeff?
// as of recently, Animal constructor cannot be called without using the new operator.
var animal = new Animal({
'name': 'Jeff',
'sound': 'bark'
console.log(animal.name + ', ' + animal.sound); // still fine.
console.log("window's name: " + window.name); // undefined
(() => {
// 'use strict'; // uncomment to fix bug.
var Animal = function(args) {
this.name = args.name;
this.sound = args.sound;
return this; // implicit context hashmap
* The bug left for historical reasons,
* should still work now in modern web developer consoles.
* var animal = Animal({
* 'name': 'Jeff',
* 'sound': 'Bark'
* });
* console.log(animal.name + ', ' + animal.sound); // seems good
* console.log("The window's name is: " + window.name); // my window's name is Jeff?
// the new operator causes the "this" inside methods to refer to the animal
// rather than the global scope, so the bug mentioned above does not occur.
var animal = new Animal({
'name': 'Jeff',
'sound': 'bark'
console.log(window.name); // the name has not been changed by the constructor.
Animal 的构造函数接受一个 Object 属性并返回一个具有这些属性的 Animal,或者如果您忘记放置 new 关键字,它将返回整个全局上下文(在浏览器开发者控制台中是 window)。
(() => {
'use strict';
/* a function that creates an Animal constructor which can be used to create animals */
var Animal = (() => {
/* function is important, as fat arrow does not have "this" and will not be bound to Animal. */
var InnerAnimal = function(args) {
this.name = args.name;
this.sound = args.sound;
/* defined once and all animals use the same single function call */
InnerAnimal.prototype.performSound = function() {
return InnerAnimal;
var animal = new Animal({
'sound': 'bark',
'name': 'Jeff'
animal.performSound(); // Jeff
这里就是 Perl 的并行停止的地方。
JavaScript 的 new 操作符不是可选的,没有它,对象方法中的“ this”会污染全局范围:
(() => {
// uncommenting this prevents unintentional
// contamination of the global scope, and throws a TypeError instead.
// 'use strict';
var Person = function() {
this.name = "Sam";
// var wrong = Person(); // oops! we have overwritten window.name or global.main.
// console.log(window.name); // my window's name is Sam?
var correct = new Person; // person's name is actually stored in the person now.
package Animal;
sub new {
my $packageRef = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1]->{'name'};
my $sound = $_[1]->{'sound'};
my $this = {
'name' => $name,
'sound' => $sound
bless($this, $packageRef);
return $this;
# all animals use the same performSound to look up their sound.
sub performSound {
my $this = shift;
my $sound = $this->{'sound'};
print $sound . "\n";
package main;
my $animal = Animal->new({
'name' => 'Cat',
'sound' => 'meow'
print("The animal's ref is: " . ref($animal) . "\n");
use warnings;
use strict;
print('Enter the name for the class(eg Greeter): $ ');
my $class_name = <>;
chomp $class_name;
print('Enter the name of the method(eg greet): $ ');
my $method_name = <>;
chomp $method_name;
no strict 'refs';
# The line below violates strict 'refs'.
*{$class_name . '::new'} = sub {
my $self = bless {}, $_[0];
return $self;
use strict 'refs';
no strict 'refs';
# The line below violates strict 'refs'
*{$class_name . '::' . $method_name} = sub {
print("Hello, World!\n");
use strict 'refs';
my $instance = ($class_name)->new();
# | Illustrates catching 3 distinct ways of calling a package's member.
package Test;
sub new {
return bless {}, __PACKAGE__;
sub runTest {
if (ref($_[0]) eq __PACKAGE__) {
# | $_[0] is the blessed reference.
# | Despite being called with "->", $_[1] is NOT "Test"(__PACKAGE__).
print("Test::runTest was called through a blessed reference call(\$instance->runTest().\n");
} elsif ($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__) {
# | $_[0] is "Test"(__PACKAGE__), but we can't determine for sure whether it was -> or ::.
print("Test::runTest was called through Test->runTest() or through Test::runTest() with 'Test' as the first argument.\n");
} else {
# | $_[0] is neither a blessed reference nor "Test"(__PACKAGE__), so it can't be an arrow call.
print "Test::runTest was called through Test::runTest()\n";
package main;
my $test = Test->new();
Test::runTest('Test'); # <- Same as "Test->runTest();"
Test::runTest($test); # <- Same as "$test->runTest();"