Twitter api 文本字段值被截断

为什么文本字段值被截断,以及如何获得完整的值。 现在我正在尝试得到文本字段的值,如下所示

do {
if let responseObject = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(response, options: []) as? [String:AnyObject],
arrayStatuses = responseObject["statuses"] as? [[String:AnyObject]] {
let arrTweets:NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()
for status in arrayStatuses {
let text = status["text"]!


俄罗斯/印度可能在今年年底发射布拉莫斯巡航导弹,从苏 -30MKI 对海/陆导弹。 https://..。


Twitter 示例搜索结果 JSON 数据

"created_at": "Mon Aug 01 08:07:43 +0000 2016",
"id": 760024194079916032,
"id_str": "760024194079916032",
"text": "RT @khalidasopore: #KEXIT #KASHEXIT #KashmirKillings #Inida #Pakistan Just trend it my dear Indians to save #Kashmir from Pak Goons https:/…",
"truncated": false
39211 次浏览

The Twitter API has been changed recently, to support new rules regarding the 280 characters limit.

  1. To get the full text of the tweet, add parameter tweet_mode with value extended to your request parameters.
  2. Field text in the JSON response has been replaced by full_text

More info here:

The status in this example is a retweet, and the text for retweets will be truncated to 140 characters even after including tweet_mode=extended. The full text of the original tweet is in the retweeted_status field of the JSON response. Here's what you want:

let text = status["retweeted_status"]["full_text"].

Keep in mind that you should still include tweet_mode=extended in your request.