Basically, you need to clear out the transport tokens. This can happen if you were to close out of Xcode while in the middle of submitting an app to iTunes Connect.
The token files now appear in the
Library/Caches/ subfolder of the given user's home directory. Which, honestly, is a better place for them anyway.
Delete any .token files in this directory.
If you are unable to find the .token files, this is because they are hidden in Finder. To hide/show hidden files in Finder, use the following Terminal command (TRUE = UNHIDE, FALSE = HIDE):
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE;killall Finder
You need to clear out the upload tokens that are "stuck". To do this, open the tokens file found in /users//.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/. You should see one line of text at the top that refers to your current upload token. Simply delete this line and save the file. You should now be able to submit your app again.
It might be because Xcode crashed as you were uploading your app. Either, all you need to do is delete the token files:
Open Terminal on your Mac, and paste:
rm ~/.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/*.token
That should clear it. If it still doesn't work (at this point you should try re-uploading your app), run that command on Terminal again, or manually go to...
Under my user home directory (even when showing hidden files and folders)
but it seems my problem was a bit different and I just closed xCode completely (every xCode window opened) and reopened it again then I archived my project and uploaded it without any issues