
在解决一个由不换行空格( )引起的网站漏洞时,我想知道是否存在相反的情况。

是否有一个破碎空间的 HTML 代码,如果有,它是什么?

我在 这个问题中看到过关于零宽空格的内容(​) ,但是它不会给出任何宽度(很明显)。

是否存在一个常规空间的 HTML 实体?

44956 次浏览

  is a regular space (by its numeric ASCII value).

If you are using HTML and you would like more than one space to to appear, will not work. The unfortunate part about   is it does not wrap properly because it is a non-breaking space.

For those that reached here looking for a solution, try the CSS

white-space: pre-wrap;

This will allow you to have multiple spaces side by side in a single line. It works great for chat programs.

There may be other blank entities (which won't compact to a single) but there is another workaround for doing some padding but still having some wrapping occur as required:

Use the "ZeroWidthSpace" html entity and alternate with either "nbsp" for clarity or simply a space character.

There are multiple html entities for regular white space, which allow breaking, for instance  

Read this article for more information: https://www.codetd.com/en/article/6915972