
我试图通过将 AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess策略提供给用户来遵循 AWS 关于设置用户 ECR 授权的说明。

然而,当我尝试运行在我的电脑的 aws ecr get-login我得到一个错误,我没有权限。

An error occurred (AccessDeniedException) when calling the GetAuthorizationToken operation: User: arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_NUMBER:user/MY_USER is not authorized to perform: ecr:GetAuthorizationToken on resource: *


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You must attach a policy to your IAM role.

I attached AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess and it worked.

I've found out that when 2FA is enabled there is no option to use the aws ecr get-login, once I've removed the 2FA from my account I got the authorization token

Just as it appears in the error description, I have to allow action "GetAuthorizationToken" in my policy.

"Sid": "VisualEditor2",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ecr:GetAuthorizationToken",
"Resource": "*"

Note: This is not my full policy but a subsection of Statement.

I had the same problem with ECS when I tried to push my container in the repository.

To solve it, I attached to my IAM role this : AmazonECS_FullAccess

Here is a full answer, after I followed all steps - I was able to use ECR

The error can have a few meanings:

  1. You are not authorized because you do not have ECR policy attached to your user

  2. You are not authorized because you are using 2FA and using cli is not secure unless you set a temporary session token

  3. You provided invalid credentials

Here is a list of all steps to get access (including handling 2FA)

  1. First of all, you have to create a policy that gives you access to GetAuthorizationToken action in ECR.
  2. Attach this policy either to a user or a group (groups/roles are IMHO always better approach, my vote to roles, e.g. DevOps)
  3. Make sure you have AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY set in your environment. I recommend to use aws folder with credentials and profiles separated.

If you have 2FA enabled

  1. You need to generate session token using this command aws sts get-session-token --serial-number arn-of-the-mfa-device --token-code code-from-token. arn-of-the-mfa-device can be found in your profile, 2FA section. Token, is generated token from the device.
  2. Update aws credentails with received AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, and SessionToken. AWS recommends having either cron job to refresh token, which means if you are doing it you are testing things, your prod resources most likely do not have 2FA enabled. You can increase session by providing --duration-seconds but only up to 36 hours. A good explanation can be found at authenticate-mfa-cli

This should do the job

I ended up using AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser as seemed a better option than Full Access. Here are the policies I found as of June 2019: Container Registry Permissions

I have the same problem, but I have set the permission boundary only to s3 previously that causes the issue.

Removed the permission boundary ,it worked like a charm

This was my guy EC2InstanceProfileForImageBuilderECRContainerBuilds

For me:

              - Effect: Allow
Sid: VisualEditor2
- ecr:GetAuthorizationToken
- ecr:BatchGetImage
- ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer
Resource: "*"

The user must have GetAuthorizationToken for all resources on ECR. To make the policy tight, you can grant all actions only to the desired registry and only the ecr:GetAuthorizationToken to all resources. Here is an example policy to attach to your user:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*"


In case you are trying to pull images from a PUBLIC AWS repository, you must add the following user permissions to your policy:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"

Please see the full documentation here.