用于提取 war 文件的 Linux 命令?

如何使用 Linux 命令提示提取 .war文件?

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You can use the unzip command.

Using unzip

unzip -c whatever.war META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

It will print the output in terminal.

And for extracting all the files,

 unzip whatever.war

Using jar

jar xvf test.war

Note! The jar command will extract war contents to current directory. Not to a subdirectory (like Tomcat does).


jar xvf myproject.war

A war file is just a zip file with a specific directory structure. So you can use unzip or the jar tool for unzipping.

But you probably don't want to do that. If you add the war file into the webapps directory of Tomcat the Tomcat will take care of extracting/installing the war file.

Extracting a specific folder (directory) within war file:

# unzip <war file> '<folder to extract/*>' -d <destination path>
unzip app##123.war 'some-dir/*' -d extracted/

You get ./extracted/some-dir/ as a result.

Following command will help you.

unzip application.war -d output/