Primary keys that autoincrement (i.e., columns with data type serial primary key) are associated with a sequence. You can set the next value for any sequence using the setval(<seqname>, <next_value>) function. Note that to actually execute the function by itself you need to use SELECT, like this: SELECT setval(<seqname>, <next_value>)
The name of the auto created sequences when using serial are <table>_<column>_seq
@bluish actually inserting a new record using an auto-incremented primary key, is just like using a sequence explicitly this way:
INSERT INTO MyTable (id, col1, ...) VALUES (MySeq.nextval(), val1, ...)
So, if you want the first id to be 1, you should have to set your sequence to 0. But it's out of bounds, so you must use the ALTER SEQUECE statement.
So, if you have a serial field named number in your table menu, for exemple: