将 VisualStudio 配置为使用 UNIX 行结束符

我们希望使用 VisualStudio2005处理 SVN 存储库的本地副本。这个本地副本已经被 Mac OS X 签出(更新和提交只能在 Mac OS X 下进行,所以没有问题) ,因此行结尾是 UNIX 风格的。

我们担心 VisualStudio 会引入 Windows 风格的行尾。是否可以强制 VisualStudio 使用 UNIX 行结束符?

114095 次浏览

Warning: This solution no longer works for Visual Studio 2017 and later. Instead, both of the answers by jcox and Munther Jaber are needed. I have combined them into one answer.

As OP states "File > Advanced Save Options", select Unix Line Endings.

This will only affect new files that are created. Fixing any that were previously created can be done file-by-file or you can search for tools that will fix on-bulk.

"File > Advanced Save Options", select Unix Line Endings works per file based.

Alternatively You can use Strip'em Add-in for Visual Studio

This Add-in converts the text format of a file when it is saved in Visual Studio.

More info here: http://www.grebulon.com/software/stripem.php

There are some VS extension that are useful to solve this problem I will recommend Trim line ends on save. This extension is free and open source. There are similar extensions that may work for you, just go to TOOLS | Extensions and Updates and search online for "line end"

Here are some options available for Visual Studio Community 2017

  1. "File > Advanced Save Options" has been removed by microsoft due to "uncommon use". Whatever that means. https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/8290/file-advanced-save-options-option-is-missed.html You can add it back by going to "Tools>Customize", then "Commands" tab, select the drop down next to "Menu Bar" select "File" then "Add Command">File>Advanced Save Options..". You can then reorder it in the file menu by using "move down".

I don't know if you will have to then set the advanced save options for each and every file, but it might prevent the issue I was having where my Visual Studio kept adding CL RF line endings into my files that were uniformly LF.

  1. But I took it one step further and I added an extension called "Line Endings Unifier" by going to "Tools>Extensions and Updates>Online" and then searching for "line endings" in the search bar to the right. I will use this to automatically force all of my scripts to save with uniform line endings of my choice, but you can do more with it. https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=JakubBielawa.LineEndingsUnifier

  2. strip'em is another solution that does something similar to Line Endings Unifier. http://www.grebulon.com/software/stripem.php

I am not sure how they differ or the advantages/disadvantages of either. I'm mainly using Line Endings Unifier just because it was in the Visual Studio Marketplace. I think I've used all of these methods in the past, but my memory is fuzzy.

VS2017 supports .editorconfig files, which can be checked in along with your project. This is the relevant command for setting Unix line endings:

end_of_line = lf

enter image description here The LF is clickable and you choose either LF or CRLF.

It is possible to force line endings in Visual Studio 2017 for Mac

  1. Go to Tools > Add Custom Tool....
  2. In the dialog box that appears scroll the left menu down to the Text Editor section and select General.
  3. In the first option, Line ending conversion, change Leave line endings as is to Always convert line endings.

screenshot of dialog

For Visual Studio 2019 for Mac

Go to Project> Solution Options> Source Code> Code Formatting> Text File In the Line Terminations drop box select Unix/Mac.


So I found this problem and the answers very confusing, especially since I primarily develop in Linux and PhpStorm and simply never have these issues.

I found that for Visual Studio 2019, only Munther Jaber's solution worked when combined with @jcox's .editorconfig changes for new files.

However, being unfamiliar with Visual Studio itself, it took me a LONG TIME to find out where the line ending box is...

SO I made a video of how to configure this. https://youtu.be/YfN3igHXTPo

Update: I learned how to make animated GIFs via FFMPEG just so I could embed the video here! enter image description here

In the latest version on Windows you go to

File > Preferences > Settings > Text Editor > Files > Eol