# number conversion.
while `test $ans='y'`
echo "Menu"
echo "1.Decimal to Hexadecimal"
echo "2.Decimal to Octal"
echo "3.Hexadecimal to Binary"
echo "4.Octal to Binary"
echo "5.Hexadecimal to Octal"
echo "6.Octal to Hexadecimal"
echo "7.Exit"
read choice
case $choice in
1) echo "Enter the decimal no."
read n
hex=`echo "ibase=10;obase=16;$n"|bc`
echo "The hexadecimal no. is $hex"
2) echo "Enter the decimal no."
read n
oct=`echo "ibase=10;obase=8;$n"|bc`
echo "The octal no. is $oct"
3) echo "Enter the hexadecimal no."
read n
binary=`echo "ibase=16;obase=2;$n"|bc`
echo "The binary no. is $binary"
4) echo "Enter the octal no."
read n
binary=`echo "ibase=8;obase=2;$n"|bc`
echo "The binary no. is $binary"
5) echo "Enter the hexadecimal no."
read n
oct=`echo "ibase=16;obase=8;$n"|bc`
echo "The octal no. is $oct"
6) echo "Enter the octal no."
read n
hex=`echo "ibase=8;obase=16;$n"|bc`
echo "The hexadecimal no. is $hex"
7) exit
*) echo "invalid no."