How do I run specific tests using dotnet test?

I have a large test suite in a .NET Core project. I can use the Test Explorer window to select a few tests to run.

I can also run the whole test suite on the command line with dotnet test. Is there a way to run only one (or a few) tests on the command line?

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With the dotnet version 1.0.0, you have to use the --filter option:

You can filter by DisplayName, FullyQualifiedName and Traits.


dotnet test --filter "FullyQualifiedName=YourNamespace.TestClass1.Test1"

Also, these operators are allowed: =, != and ~ (contains).

More info here: docs

Since this question is tagged with xUnit, the command for the dotnet xUnit CLI command is as follows:

dotnet xunit -method FullyQualifiedName