使用 mapDispatchToProps 避免无阴影回线错误

下面的组件在 FilterButton props上触发 no-shadow ESlint 错误。

import { setFilter } from '../actions/filter';

function FilterButton({ setFilter }) {
return (
<button onClick={setFilter}>Click</button>

export default connect(null, { setFilter })(FilterButton);

如何在保持 mapDispatchToProps和 ESlint 规则的简洁语法的同时避免警告?


32617 次浏览

There are four options here:

1. Disable the rule.


It's the easiest way to avoid the ESLint error.

Why Not?

The no-shadow rule helps to prevent a very common bug when using react-redux. That is, attempting to invoke the raw, unconnected action (which does not automatically get dispatched).

In other words, if you were not using destructuring and grabbing the action from props, setFilter() would not dispatch the action (because you'd be invoking the imported action directly, as opposed to invoking the connected action through props via props.setFilter(), which react-redux automatically dispatches for you).

By cleaning up variable shadowing, you and/or your IDE are more likely to pick up on the error.


Adding a eslintConfig property to your package.json file is one way to do this.

"eslintConfig": {
"rules": {
"no-shadow": "off",

2. Reassign the variable when passing it into connect().


You benefit from the safety of the no-shadow rule, and, if you choose to adhere to a naming convention, it's very explicit.

Why Not?

It introduces boilerplate.

If you do not use a naming convention, you now have to come up with alternate names (that still make sense) for every action. And chances are that the same actions will be named differently across components, making it harder to become familiar with the actions themselves.

If you do use a naming convention, names become long and repetitive.


Without naming convention:

import { setFilter } from '../actions/filter';

function FilterButton({ filter }) {
return (
<button onClick={filter}>Click</button>

export default connect(null, { filter: setFilter })(FilterButton);

With naming convention:

import { setFilter, clearFilter } from '../actions/filter';

function FilterButton({ setFilterConnect, clearFilterConnect }) {
return (
<button onClick={setFilterConnect} onBlur={clearFilterConnect}>Click</button>

export default connect(null, {
setFilterConnect: setFilter,
clearFilterConnect: clearFilter,

3. Don't destructure actions off of props.


By explicitly using the method off of the props object, you don't need to worry about shadowing to begin with.

Why Not?

Prepending all of your actions with props/this.props is repetitive (and inconsistent if you're destructuring all of your other non-action props).


import { setFilter } from '../actions/filter';

function FilterButton(props) {
return (
<button onClick={props.setFilter}>Click</button>

export default connect(null, { setFilter })(FilterButton);

4. Import the entire module.


It's concise.

Why Not?

Other developers (or your future self) may have trouble understanding what's going on. And depending on the style guide you're following, you might be breaking the no-wildcard-imports rule.


If you're simply passing in action creators from one module:

import * as actions from '../actions/filter';

function FilterButton({ setFilter }) {
return (
<button onClick={setFilter}>Click</button>

export default connect(null, actions)(FilterButton);

If you're passing in multiple modules, use object destructuring with rest syntax:

import * as filterActions from '../actions/filter';
import * as otherActions from '../actions/other';

// all exported actions from the two imported files are now available as props
function FilterButton({ setFilter, clearFilter, setOther, clearOther }) {
return (
<button onClick={setFilter}>Click</button>

export default connect(null, { ...filterActions, ...otherActions })(FilterButton);

And since you mentioned a preference for ES6's concise syntax in the comments, might as well throw in the arrow function with an implicit return:

import * as actions from '../actions/filter';

const FilterButton = ({ setFilter }) => <button onClick={setFilter}>Click</button>;

export default connect(null, actions)(FilterButton);

A fifth option:

5. Allow a specific exception via eslintrc rules.

module.exports = {
rules: {
'no-shadow': [
allow: ['setFilter'],


You don't want variable shadowing but can't get around it in certain cases.

Why Not?

You really don't want variable shadowing in your code base. 😝

Option number six.

6. Disable the es-lint rule for the specific line(s) of code

import { setFilter } from '../actions/filter';

// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
function FilterButton({ setFilter }) {
return (
<button onClick={setFilter}>Click</button>

export default connect(null, { setFilter })(FilterButton);


import { setFilter } from '../actions/filter';

/* eslint-disable no-shadow */
function FilterButton({ setFilter }) {
/* es-lint-enable */
return (
<button onClick={setFilter}>Click</button>

export default connect(null, { setFilter })(FilterButton);

The second way to temporarily disable the es-lint rule can be used for multiple lines of code, unlike the first one. It can be useful if you pass more arguments and divide them into multiple lines of code.


This is an easy and suitable option for some use-cases (for example, your team/organization uses specific es-lint settings and it is discouraged/forbidden to modify those settings). It disables the es-lint error in the line(s) of code but does not influence on mapDispatchToProps syntax and the rule is still completely active outside the line(s) of code.

Why not?

You do not want or you are forbidden to bloat your code with such kind of comments. You do not want or you are forbidden to influence es-lint behaviour.

Option 7...

7. Use container components


It's a known pattern and you get the added benefit of decoupling your components from the redux store, making them easier to be reused.

Why not?

You now need two files per component.


// FilterButton.jsx

export default function FilterButton({ setFilter }) {
return (
<button onClick={setFilter}>Click</button>
// FilterButtonRedux.jsx

import FilterButton from './FilterButton';
import { setFilter } from '../actions/filter';

export default connect(null, { setFilter })(FilterButton);

I tweaked 4. and achieved what I would like to call option 8.

8. Import methods under a different name


It has the same benefits as importing the entire module but without conflicting with other rules, e.g. Do not use wildcard imports(airbnb).

Why not?

It's adding an unnecessary variable declaration that might cause confusion.


For the single method case

import { setFilter as setFilterConnect } from '../actions/filter';

function FilterButton({ setFilter }) {
return <button onClick={setFilter}>Click</button>;

export default connect(
{ setFilter: setFilterConnect }

With the new Hooks API added in v7.1.0, you can get rid of the variable and mapDispatchToProps altogether:

import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'
import { setFilter } from '../actions/filter';

function FilterButton() {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
return (
<button onClick={dispatch(setFilter())}>Click</button>

export default FilterButton;