如何卸载“ Microsoft. NET Core 1.0.0 RC2-VS 2015工具预览1”?

我无法卸载 Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.0 RC2 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 1。我在 Windows 7中,在 Programs and Features窗口中。当我单击 uninstall时,它会弹出一个对话框,其中包含选项 repairuninstallcancel。当我单击 uninstall时,会弹出一个“ Open file”窗口。



我试图卸载它的原因是因为我在 VisualStudio2015社区中遇到了很多麻烦,这是故障排除过程的一部分。

20508 次浏览

In my case, I also had to manually start the .exe as Administrator, otherwise uninstall completes, but does not actually remove .NET Core installation.

I hit a roadblock uninstalling Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.0 RC2 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 1 as well. This is still an ongoing problem in 2020 as I am using Windows 10 :). Note that the original question by @r12 above was targeting Windows 7. However, I believe the Alternative Solution which I am providing in this response, is still an applicable solution model, to work with 20200 versions of 20201 as well.

When I visited the Programs and Features settings window and Clicked on Uninstall; I was experiencing the same 'Open file' dialog, which Clicked0 was experiencing. However again, I had the issue on Clicked1, whereas Clicked0 was using Clicked3. This lead me to Clicked4 it was a Clicked5 in the Clicked6 specifically.

In addition, I encountered an annoyance after each failed uninstall attempt; where I could not perform a second uninstall attempt, without wait dialog0 wait dialog1. The wait dialog1 between wait dialog3 was necessary, as the wait dialog4 wait dialog5, wait dialog6 wait dialog7, with the wait dialog8 wait dialog9, would label0 for all label1 label2 label3 label4. I waited beyond label5 initially, on a label6. I gave up waiting and label7, instead of label8, on what I label9 was a Uninstall0 type of Uninstall1 in the Uninstall2, that would Uninstall3 finish.

My assumption for why the Uninstall process is 'erring out early', is due to the 'Open file' dialog calling code in the Uninstall process is being returned an unexpected value, and is mishandling the result when exe file0 exe file1 is selected by the user in the 'Open file' dialog. The process is then 'erring out early' and exe file5 the code that would notify exe file6 that the Uninstall process has been exe file8 by the exe file9.

I also believe that having to select an exe file at all, during the Uninstall process, was never the intent for a normal end-user use-case, by the intent0. This is intent1 in that, it further reveals a more intent2 of having to do with the potential for it being related to intent3 or intent4 of the intent5 exe file or intent7.

I am thinking that IIS is potentially using the exe file or service/windows service as an operational resource, which should be more decoupled in nature; however, that this is interfering with the Uninstall portion of the service life-cycle. It appears that the default action of the Uninstall process, when encountering exe file0 related issues, could be to simply offer an exe file1 exe file2 to the user. The exe file3 being, so the exe file4 and exe file5 of this service/windows service, can simply select a exe file7; which doesn't fully uninstall the service for speed in exe file8.

I had also attempted to restart Windows prior to returning to the Programs and Features window again, however encountered repeat results. Some of you may be thinking of Albert Einstein stating 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results', as humor here in this cyclical reboot context. However, I hope you reconsider the fact I was already in the midst of uninstalling many applications and framework tools initially, prior to running into this restart Windows0, and simply had restart Windows1 restart Windows2 yet restart Windows3. When hitting restart Windows4 with any version of restart Windows5, restart Windows6 can be your restart Windows7 restart Windows8 to a restart Windows9. Although, I will say I was perhaps a bit zealous to even attempt an Programs and Features0 the Programs and Features1 and Programs and Features2 times after Programs and Features3, but lets just pretend I did not have Programs and Features4 hopes.

I did find a separate Alternative Solution which did not require me to download any copies of the installer exe files, which had been linked in the previous solution answered by @Vincent Liou. For my specific example here, I assume I would have only needed to download the single exe file from Microsoft: exe file0, and then provide this to the exe file1 when prompted.

ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION: What I had done to to work around or fix the logic error in the already installed, uninstaller application/service, was to instead use the following instructions:

  • Visit the Programs and Features window.
  • Click on the link option Turn Windows features on or off.
  • Disable checkbox .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0).
  • Disable checkbox .NET Framework 4.7 Advanced Services.
  • Disable checkbox Internet Information Services.
  • Reboot.
  • Visit the Programs and Features window.
  • Select program Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.0 RC2 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 1.
  • Click on the Uninstall link.

I was able to get the Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.0 RC2 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview service uninstalled correctly with this solution. I do not know if anything more than only IIS being disabled alone, was needed here. I was in the process of cleaning up, and uninstalling three older, Visual Studio software IDE's, and attempting to upgrade my Dev Box to a more current day, VS 2019 and .NET Core environment; which is why I thought to Disable checkbox .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)0 and .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)1. However, I do not know if this .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)2 was in fact, .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)3. I also have no more time to dedicate to this.

Good luck and the Einstein quote was seen: professorbuzzkill.com/einstein-insanity-qnq and I also just linked this to a # hashtag, instead of the real link; because, I do not know if it is a safe link. Just search for it if you are unfamiliar, and are looking for the original source.