是否可以在 GitHub 标记中为图像添加边框?

我需要在 GitHub 的 README.md 文件中为图像添加边框:

![GitHub Logo](/images/logo.png)


|![GitHub Logo](/images/logo.png)|


我还尝试将 image 作为 html 标记包含进来:

<img src="/images/logo.png" style="border: 1px solid black" />


42325 次浏览

It's hacky and not always pretty, but surround the image with a <kbd> tag.


<img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/CtiyS.png">


<img src="https://i.stack.imgur.com/CtiyS.png">

And it renders like this:

Surrounding the markdown image syntax might not work for some markdown implementations. If the following does not work


Try embedding the image as an HTML <img> tag instead

<kbd><img src="https://example.com/image.png" /></kbd>

You can use <table> tag to create tables without header.

<img src="/images/logo.png" />

Here on StackExchange sites, I like to use the "quote" markup > for this purpose.

For example:

> [![screenshot][1]][1]

[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/CtiyS.png

renders like this:


Another way is to provide the border yourself in an image editing tool and upload that.

Another way is to use table's first cell for it.



The - character is important in the code.

You can see the result here .

The way I do this on GitLab is using a table like so:

| ![Alt name of image](/path-to-image.png) |

This is similar to @kesadae11's answer but in order to make it work in GitLab, the additional pipe characters are needed.

I often do like this at GitHub comment. Maybe some line breaks are needed.

# Added at 2021/05/24

// No end tag
<kbd> ![image_alt](image_path)

# Added at 2020/09/14

| ![...)


![...a) | ![...b)| ![...c)
# Before / After

Before | After
![...a) | ![...b)

I used the following and it worked for me just fine

<img src="image-20220820124005006.png" alt="image-20220820124005006" style="border: 3px solid red" />