每当我启动 FireBase 应用程序时,它都会记录各种 FireBase 特性的状态。现在记录在案的是:
Configuring the default app.
<FIRAnalytics/INFO> Firebase Analytics v.3200000 started
<FIRAnalytics/INFO> To enable debug logging set the following application argument: -FIRAnalyticsDebugEnabled (see ...)
<FIRAnalytics/INFO> Successfully created Firebase Analytics App Delegate Proxy automatically. To disable the proxy, set the flag FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled to NO in the Info.plist
<FIRInstanceID/WARNING> FIRInstanceID AppDelegate proxy enabled, will swizzle app delegate remote notification handlers. To disable add "FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled" to your Info.plist and set it to NO
<FIRAnalytics/INFO> Firebase Analytics enabled