with tf.variable_scope("one"):
a = tf.get_variable("v", [1]) #a.name == "one/v:0"
with tf.variable_scope("one"):
b = tf.get_variable("v", [1]) #ValueError: Variable one/v already exists
with tf.variable_scope("one", reuse = True):
c = tf.get_variable("v", [1]) #c.name == "one/v:0"
with tf.variable_scope("two"):
d = tf.get_variable("v", [1]) #d.name == "two/v:0"
e = tf.Variable(1, name = "v", expected_shape = [1]) #e.name == "two/v_1:0"
assert(a is c) #Assertion is true, they refer to the same object.
assert(a is d) #AssertionError: they are different objects
assert(d is e) #AssertionError: they are different objects
def _get_default_variable_store():
store = ops.get_collection(_VARSTORE_KEY)
if store:
return store[0]
store = _VariableStore()
ops.add_to_collection(_VARSTORE_KEY, store)
return store
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
embedding_1 = tf.Variable(tf.constant(1.0, shape=[30522, 1024]), name="word_embeddings_1", dtype=tf.float32)
embedding_2 = tf.get_variable("word_embeddings_2", shape=[30522, 1024])
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
collections = graph.collections
for c in collections:
stores = ops.get_collection(c)
print('collection %s: ' % str(c))
for k, store in enumerate(stores):
print('\t%d: %s' % (k, str(store._vars)))
print('\t%d: %s' % (k, str(store)))