JDoc 中的文档解构函数参数


* Description of the function
* @param {Object} config - The configuration
* @param {String} config.foo
* @param {Boolean} [config.bar] - Optional value
* @return {String}
function doSomething (config = {}) {
const { foo, bar } = config;
console.log(foo, bar);
// do something


* Description of the function
* @param {String} foo
* @param {Boolean} [bar] - Optional value
* @return {String}
function doSomething ({ foo, bar } = {}) {
console.log(foo, bar);
// do something

我觉得我上面的方法并没有明显表明函数需要一个 object而不是两个不同的参数。

我能想到的另一种方法是使用 @typedef,但是这可能会导致一个巨大的混乱(特别是在有许多方法的较大文件中) ?

* @typedef {Object} doSomethingConfiguration
* @property {String} foo
* @property {Boolean} [bar] - Optional value

* Description of the function
* @param {doSomethingConfiguration}
* @return {String}
function doSomething ({ foo, bar } = {}) {
console.log(foo, bar);
// do something
30657 次浏览

JSDoc 的“记录参数的属性”:

* Assign the project to an employee.
* @param {Object} employee - The employee who is responsible for the project.
* @param {string} employee.name - The name of the employee.
* @param {string} employee.department - The employee's department.
Project.prototype.assign = function(employee) {
// ...

(Google Closure 编译器类型检查,基于 JSDoc 但是从 JSDoc 转移,也允许 @param \{\{x:number,y:number}} point A "point-shaped" object.)

正如 文件中所描述的那样,这就是它的目的。

* My cool function.
* @param {Object} obj - An object.
* @param {string} obj.prop1 - Property 1.
* @param {string} obj.prop2 - Property 2.
const fn = function ({prop1, prop2}) {
// Do something with prop1 and prop2



* Nesting example.
* @param {object} param
* @param {number} param.a - First value
* @param {object} param.b - Wrapper
* @param {number} param.b.c - Second value
* @return {number} sum a and b
const letters = ({a, b: {c}}) => a + c;


* @param \{\{
a: number
b: number
}} param0
* @returns {number} The sum
const func = ({ a, b }) => a + b;


我还利用了 TypeScript ,并将非必需的 b声明为 b?b: number | undefined,声明为 < a href = “ https://JSDoc.app/tag-param.html # multi-type-and-repeat-properties”rel = “ noReferrer”> JSDoc 也允许联合