ReSharper Error:”输出已达到限制并被截断。要查看完整的输出,请使用‘在新窗口中显示堆栈跟踪’操作。”

在 ReSharper 中运行单元测试时,如果输出太长,它会产生以下错误:

The output has reached the limit and was truncated.
To view the full output use 'Show Stack Trace in a new window' action.


ReSharper 在2016.2年修复了这个问题,见@Alexander Pacha 的回复。

11304 次浏览

It took a few minutes of hunting. Click on the icon in the task bar:

enter image description here

Due to the reactions from this post, JetBrains fixed this 'feature' and now allows the user to configure this in the ReSharper settings: Tools > Unit Testing > Unit Test Output > Limit number of lines in output to xxx. This fix has been made available in ReSharper 2016.2.

How to configure ReSharper to not limit the number of lines in the output to 200 but a greater number