什么是 WCF RIA 服务?

我讨厌 MSDN 的 WCF RIA 服务站点。它不说它是什么,它只说它做什么。它说明了它可以实现什么,但没有说明我为什么需要它。


”在开发一个 N 层 RIA 解决方案正在协调 中间的应用程序逻辑 展示层”。


”RIA 服务解决这个问题的方法是 提供框架组件、工具、, 以及制作应用程序的服务 可用的服务器上的逻辑 RIA 客户端,而不需要您 手动复制那个程序 逻辑。您可以创建一个 RIA 客户端 意识到业务规则和 知道客户是自动 更新了最新的中间层逻辑 每次解决方案是 重新编译

那么它是否从服务器下载 DLL? 它是否是描述数据规则的元数据?

那是什么?它只是一个 VS 2010的 RAD 附加组件吗?或者它是 WCF 之上的一项技术,还是它之下的一项技术,还是什么?它住在哪里?用数据,用服务器,什么?


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RIA services is a server-side technology that automatically generates client-side (Silverlight) objects that take care of the communication with the server for you and provide client-side validation.

The main object inside a RIA service is a DomainService, usually a LinqToEntitiesDomainService that is connected to a LinqToEntities model.

The key thing to remember in RIA services is that it's mainly a sophisticated build trick. When you create a domain service and compile your solution, a client-side representation of your domain service is generated. This client-side representation has the same interface. Suppose you create a server-side domain service CustomerService with a method IQueryable<Customer> GetCustomersByCountry. When you build your solution, a class is generated inside your Silverlight project called CustomerContext that has a method GetCustomersByCountryQuery. You can now use this method on the client as if you were calling it on the server.

Updates, inserts and deletes follow a different pattern. When you create a domain service, you can indicate whether you want to enable editing. The corresponding methods for update/insert/delete are then generated in the server-side domain service. However, the client-side part doesn't have these methods. What you have on your CustomerContext is a method called SubmitChanges. So how does this work:

  • For updates, you simply update properties of existing customers (that you retrieved via GetCustomersByCountryQuery).
  • For inserts, you use CustomerContext.Customers.Add(new Customer(...) {...}).
  • For deletes, you use CustomerContext.Customers.Remove(someCustomer).

When you're done editing, you call CustomerContext.SubmitChanges().

As for validation, you can decorate your server-side objects with validation attributes from the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace. Again, when you build your project, validation code is now automatically generated for the corresponding client-side objects.

I hope this explanation helps you a little further.

The latest news: WCF RIA Services is dead:


If you want to use RIA Services, they have been open sourced:
