
我曾经能够取消复选框,说 Emulation/Sensors面板中的 Emulate touch screen,以便我可以看到一个鼠标指针时使用响应模式。这个面板现在不见了,新的传感器面板没有这个设置。

This makes it impossible to use the responsive mode, as I have no pointer and no control where I touch/click (who designed this feature?!). How can I see a pointer/mouse when I use responsive mode in newer Chrome?

62237 次浏览

Apparently, you're supposed to see a circle as your mouse when using responsive mode. I have never seen that, even using several different machines, so the feature seems broken.

Updated for v72: guide v72


However, right after posting this question, I finally stumbled upon a solution. In version 50, the solution is now to press the three dots to the right in responsive mode, and select Show device type. This gives you a new dropdown next to the sizes etc., in which Desktop or Mobile (no touch) can be selected to use a normal mouse pointer (disable touch emulation) while using responsive mode.


It appears the non-existent touch cursor in Device Mode is an actual issue, and it's being tracked here

The answer is pretty straightforward. Chrome gives you an option to create a custom device. Follow these steps: 1. Open dev tools 2. Press F1 to get into settings 3. go to devices 4. Add a custom device there.

The IMPORTANT THING: When you create a custom device, choose the option "Mobile (No Touch)". That's it, cursor would be visible when you select this device for emulation.

Warning: this is only a quick hack, not a fix

If you right click over the emulated device picture you'll be able to keep the pointer visible so you'll at least see where you're clicking.

enter image description here

Hopefully this will get resolved soon.

Go to: Control Panel > Intel Graphics Settings > Display > General Settings. Then change Quantization Range to Full Range. Solution from here.


Thank @Funktr0n.

This should also help.

  1. Open the mouse control panel.
  2. Select the Pointer Options tab in the Mouse Properties window.
  3. Then enable Display pointer trails option.
  4. In case you don't like or are getting annoyed, like me, due to the trailer. Move the slider to the Short position and the trailer becomes very short.

This is a Display Drive Issue, For a simple solution press and hold SHIFT key and a cursor will be visible on device.

BUT do click on link only WITHOUT holding SHIFT [else it will open that link in new window]

What solved my issue was setting the refresh rate of my monitor to 60Hz progressive! I don't know how it got set on 59Hz interlaced.

enter image description here

Added: What ACTUALLY solved my problem was swaping the connection from HDMI to DisplayPort! I dont know weather it was the cable problem or the port. Finally the cursor is there and working!

In Chrome Version 73.0.3683.103 and macOS Mojave you have to toggle add device type button in the menu of browser window in dev mode to see the device type dropdown: enter image description here

And the select typo of device you need: enter image description here

Press Ctrl + Shift + C while the mouse is over the page in order to turn "Select an element in the page to inspect it" mode on then turn it back off using the icon and not the shortcut. Your cursor is now visible :)

enter image description here

Another way is to disable touch simulation by selecting no touch in "Emulated Devices" (in devtools settings):

enter image description here

Note that you may have to close and reopen the tab.