you could also use timeout for the input if you want it to finish if nobody validates.
There is also waitUntil that might be useful but i haven't used it yet
Edit :
WaitUntil seems definitely the best, you should play with it a bit but something like that is cleaner :
Changed it to a method in a shared library that just did retry or abort for my needs. Also added a max retries and made the timeout variable so that we could change it depending on the job or stage that needs it.
Example usage with a max of 2 retries that waits for 60s for input.
def pipelineHelper = new PipelineHelper(this)
stage ('Retry Example'){
echo 'Here is an example'
throw new RuntimeException('This example will fail.')
}, 2, 60)
Just remember to put nodes inside of the closure so that waiting for an input doesn't block an executor.
If you have the paid jenkins enterprise Cloudbees has a Checkpoint plugin that can better handle this, but it is not planned to be release for open source Jenkins (JENKINS-33846).