
shell语言如Bash (bash), Z shell (zsh), (fish)和上面的脚本语言之间有什么区别,使它们更适合shell?




正如S.Lott所解释的,这个问题需要一些澄清。我问的是shell 语言与脚本语言的特性。因此,比较不是关于各种交互式(REPL)环境的特征,如历史记录和命令行替换。这个问题的另一种表达方式是:


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我认为这是一个分析的问题。Shell语言默认假定普通的$ xxx命令意味着要运行的命令。在Python和Ruby中,你需要做系统(“command")之类的事情。



ls -laR /usr

shell.ls("/usr", long=True, all=True, recursive=True)


此外,shell中的编程构造是一个附加组件,甚至不总是内置的。例如,考虑Bash伯恩外壳 (sh)中的如果的组合,seq用于生成序列,等等。




对我来说,我已经编写并一直在使用和改进Tcl shell(当然是用Tcl编写的),作为我在自制路由器上的主要Linux登录shell: 纯Tcl读行


  1. 在最基本的情况下,Tcl语法是command argument argument...。没有别的了。这与BashC shell甚至DOS shell相同。

  2. 裸词被认为是字符串。这同样类似于传统的shell,允许你写:open myfile.txt w+而不是open "myfile.txt" "w+"

  3. 由于1和2的基础,Tcl最终只有很少的多余语法。你可以用更少的标点符号写代码:puts Hello而不是printf("Hello");。当你写程序时,你不会感到那么多的伤害,因为你花了很多时间思考写什么。当你使用shell复制一个文件时,你不认为你只是键入,不得不一遍又一遍地键入(",);很快就会让人讨厌。



foo arg1 arg2 arg3

system "foo", "arg1", "arg2", "arg3"


因此,您需要一个自定义shell(而不是REPL)来理解命令和重定向,以及您希望使用的将命令绑定在一起的语言。我认为zoid (Zoidberg shell)做得很好。


  1. Python,Co.被设计成善于编写脚本。Bash,Co.被设计为only擅长脚本,绝对没有妥协。IOW: Python被设计成擅长脚本和非脚本,Bash只关心脚本。

  2. <李> < p > Bash,Co.是无类型的,Python &Co.是强类型的,这意味着数字123、字符串123和文件123是完全不同的。然而,它们不是静态类型的,这意味着它们需要有不同的字面量,以保持它们分开 例子:< / p >
                    | Ruby             | Bash
    number          | 123              | 123
    string          | '123'            | 123
    regexp          | /123/            | 123
    file            | File.open('123') | 123
    file descriptor | IO.open('123')   | 123
    URI             | URI.parse('123') | 123
    command         | `123`            | 123
  3. Python & Co. are designed to scale up to 10000, 100000, maybe even 1000000 line programs, Bash & Co. are designed to scale down to 10 character programs.

  4. In Bash & Co., files, directories, file descriptors, processes are all first-class objects, in Python, only Python objects are first-class, if you want to manipulate files, directories etc., you have to wrap them in a Python object first.

  5. Shell programming is basically dataflow programming. Nobody realizes that, not even the people who write shells, but it turns out that shells are quite good at that, and general-purpose languages not so much. In the general-purpose programming world, dataflow seems to be mostly viewed as a concurrency model, not so much as a programming paradigm.

I have the feeling that trying to address these points by bolting features or DSLs onto a general-purpose programming language doesn't work. At least, I have yet to see a convincing implementation of it. There is RuSH (Ruby shell), which tries to implement a shell in Ruby, there is rush, which is an internal DSL for shell programming in Ruby, there is Hotwire, which is a Python shell, but IMO none of those come even close to competing with Bash, Zsh, fish and friends.

Actually, IMHO, the best current shell is Microsoft PowerShell, which is very surprising considering that for several decades now, Microsoft has continually had the worst shells evar. I mean, COMMAND.COM? Really? (Unfortunately, they still have a crappy terminal. It's still the "command prompt" that has been around since, what? Windows 3.0?)

PowerShell was basically created by ignoring everything Microsoft has ever done (COMMAND.COM, CMD.EXE, VBScript, JScript) and instead starting from the Unix shell, then removing all backwards-compatibility cruft (like backticks for command substitution) and massaging it a bit to make it more Windows-friendly (like using the now unused backtick as an escape character instead of the backslash which is the path component separator character in Windows). After that, is when the magic happens.

They address problem 1 and 3 from above, by basically making the opposite choice compared to Python. Python cares about large programs first, scripting second. Bash cares only about scripting. PowerShell cares about scripting first, large programs second. A defining moment for me was watching a video of an interview with Jeffrey Snover (PowerShell's lead designer), when the interviewer asked him how big of a program one could write with PowerShell and Snover answered without missing a beat: "80 characters." At that moment I realized that this is finally a guy at Microsoft who "gets" shell programming (probably related to the fact that PowerShell was neither developed by Microsoft's programming language group (i.e. lambda-calculus math nerds) nor the OS group (kernel nerds) but rather the server group (i.e. sysadmins who actually use shells)), and that I should probably take a serious look at PowerShell.

Number 2 is solved by having arguments be statically typed. So, you can write just 123 and PowerShell knows whether it is a string or a number or a file, because the cmdlet (which is what shell commands are called in PowerShell) declares the types of its arguments to the shell. This has pretty deep ramifications: unlike Unix, where each command is responsible for parsing its own arguments (the shell basically passes the arguments as an array of strings), argument parsing in PowerShell is done by the shell. The cmdlets specify all their options and flags and arguments, as well as their types and names and documentation(!) to the shell, which then can perform argument parsing, tab completion, IntelliSense, inline documentation popups etc. in one centralized place. (This is not revolutionary, and the PowerShell designers acknowledge shells like the DIGITAL Command Language (DCL) and the IBM OS/400 Command Language (CL) as prior art. For anyone who has ever used an AS/400, this should sound familiar. In OS/400, you can write a shell command and if you don't know the syntax of certain arguments, you can simply leave them out and hit F4, which will bring a menu (similar to an HTML form) with labelled fields, dropdown, help texts etc. This is only possible because the OS knows about all the possible arguments and their types.) In the Unix shell, this information is often duplicated three times: in the argument parsing code in the command itself, in the bash-completion script for tab-completion and in the manpage.

Number 4 is solved by the fact that PowerShell operates on strongly typed objects, which includes stuff like files, processes, folders and so on.

Number 5 is particularly interesting, because PowerShell is the only shell I know of, where the people who wrote it were actually aware of the fact that shells are essentially dataflow engines and deliberately implemented it as a dataflow engine.

Another nice thing about PowerShell are the naming conventions: all cmdlets are named Action-Object and moreover, there are also standardized names for specific actions and specific objects. (Again, this should sound familar to OS/400 users.) For example, everything which is related to receiving some information is called Get-Foo. And everything operating on (sub-)objects is called Bar-ChildItem. So, the equivalent to ls is Get-ChildItem (although PowerShell also provides builtin aliases ls and dir – in fact, whenever it makes sense, they provide both Unix and CMD.EXE aliases as well as abbreviations (gci in this case)).

But the killer feature IMO is the strongly typed object pipelines. While PowerShell is derived from the Unix shell, there is one very important distinction: in Unix, all communication (both via pipes and redirections as well as via command arguments) is done with untyped, unstructured strings. In PowerShell, it's all strongly typed, structured objects. This is so incredibly powerful that I seriously wonder why noone else has thought of it. (Well, they have, but they never became popular.) In my shell scripts, I estimate that up to one third of the commands is only there to act as an adapter between two other commands that don't agree on a common textual format. Many of those adapters go away in PowerShell, because the cmdlets exchange structured objects instead of unstructured text. And if you look inside the commands, then they pretty much consist of three stages: parse the textual input into an internal object representation, manipulate the objects, convert them back into text. Again, the first and third stage basically go away, because the data already comes in as objects.

However, the designers have taken great care to preserve the dynamicity and flexibility of shell scripting through what they call an Adaptive Type System.

Anyway, I don't want to turn this into a PowerShell commercial. There are plenty of things that are not so great about PowerShell, although most of those have to do either with Windows or with the specific implementation, and not so much with the concepts. (E.g. the fact that it is implemented in .NET means that the very first time you start up the shell can take up to several seconds if the .NET framework is not already in the filesystem cache due to some other application that needs it. Considering that you often use the shell for well under a second, that is completely unacceptable.)

The most important point I want to make is that if you want to look at existing work in scripting languages and shells, you shouldn't stop at Unix and the Ruby/Python/Perl/PHP family. For example, Tcl was already mentioned. Rexx would be another scripting language. Emacs Lisp would be yet another. And in the shell realm there are some of the already mentioned mainframe/midrange shells such as the OS/400 command line and DCL. Also, Plan9's rc.


设计中的基本区别在于命令之间的数据存储和变量的作用域。在Bash等语言中,你必须通过一系列步骤来存储一个值(例如,set a='something'这样的命令),而在Python这样的语言中,你只需使用赋值语句(a = 'something')。当在shell语言中使用这些值时,你必须告诉语言你想要变量的值,而在脚本语言中,你必须告诉语言你想要字符串的直接值。这在交互使用时会产生影响。


a = some_value

ls a*b

(a是什么意思?这意味着some_value *(不管b是什么)还是你的意思 “'anystring b ?。在脚本语言中,默认是存储在内存中的a.)

ls 'a*b'  Now means what the Unix ls a*b means.


set a=some_value

ls a*b   means what the Unix ls a*b means.

ls $a*b  uses an explicit recall of the value of a.


可伸缩性而且可扩展性?Common Lisp(你甚至可以在Unix环境中运行CLISP,以及可能的其他实现,作为登录shell)。


以现代标准来看,它的语法很糟糕,奇怪的规则和标点即语句的风格(在上世纪70年代很有用,当时每个字节都算数)使得非管理员很难理解它。它的缺陷和缺点是通过它的后代(ksh, bash, zsh)的进化改进来解决的,而不必重新考虑它背后的思想。管理员们坚持使用核心语法,因为尽管它很奇怪,但没有什么能更好地处理简单的东西而不妨碍它们。


结果呢?专业化。管理员们倾向于认为现代解释性语言对于他们每天的工作来说太重量级了。总的来说,他们是对的。他们不需要对象。他们不关心数据结构。他们需要命令。他们需要胶水。没有什么比Bourne shell概念更好地尝试做命令(可能除了Tcl,它已经在这里提到过);伯恩已经足够好了。

程序员们——他们现在不得不越来越多地学习devops——看着Bourne shell的局限性,想知道人们怎么能忍受它。但是他们所知道的工具,虽然他们肯定倾向于unix风格的I/O和文件操作,但并不是更好的的目的。我曾经用Ruby编写过备份脚本和一次性重命名文件之类的东西,因为我比bash更了解它,但任何专门的管理员都可以在bash——可能中用更少的行数和更少的开销完成同样的事情,但无论哪种方式,它都一样好。










例如,当你看一下IRB (Ruby解释器)时,一定很有可能用更多的一行程序来扩展它,以完成日常脚本化或大规模文件管理以及分钟任务。

这些答案激励我接管基于perl的shell Zoidberg的维护。经过一些修复后,它又可以使用了!




  find . -name "*.php" -exec grep 'search_string' {} \; -print


  Dir['**/*.php'].each do |path|
File.open( path ) do |f|
f.grep( /search_string/ ) do |line|
puts path, ':', line
