在 VS2015中禁用“中断模式”页

最近从 VS2010迁移到2015。现在,当我暂停一个正在运行的应用程序来处理它时,我会看到这个非常恼人的“中断模式”页面,上面写着“应用程序处于中断模式”。没开枪,夏洛克,我按了暂停。我知道它在休息模式。这个页面很烦人,让我完全不必要地离开了原本要处理的代码。


有没有办法在 VS2015中禁用这个愚蠢的中断模式页面?

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The best solution I've found so far is to drag the "Break Mode" tab to the bottom of your screen (so it is attached like a toolbar window) and make it as small as possible. Then when you pause and get this screen it at least doesn't cover your existing view.

Dont use this primarily. Use atchoum's solution. its the BEST.

Another option:

I like to use the keyboard instead of the mouse, so I invoke a pause with CTRL + ALT + BREAK(or you can click pause) regardless this causes the annoying "Break mode" window to appear

When it comes up and assuming you still have the CTRL + ALT + BREAK keys held down- Just release the ALT and BREAK keys and hit the F4 key

This will close the annoying break mode window and take you to the page and spot your had the cursor on before you pressed the break combination of CTRL + ALT + BREAK.

So... in one foul swoop press
CTRL + ALT + BREAK (to enter break mode) and then
CTRL + F4 (to close the stupid "break mode" window and place the cursor where you were before you hit CTRL + ALT + BREAK )

There is a free extension to resolve this issue: Disable No Source Available Tab available for from the VS Market Place.

This small extension will prevent the tool window with title "No Source Available" from appearing in Visual Studio, and preserve the focus on the currently active tab.

Under Tools → Options → Debugging → CHECK "Use Managed Compatibility Mode"

I had this annoying problem, too and did not realise, that i turned the Exception Settings to "Break on all exceptions". Then there where some Exceptions in external Code, where the debugger stopped, but I could not see the code, as it was in a Framework. Pretty annoying.

To reset Exception Settings in VS2017:

ctrl+al+e -> right click on the opening window -> reset to defaults

Maybe this helps someone =)

I was having same problem and was tired of searching for a solution but, in end, I found out there was one error in my code at specific form; after changing that code I didn't got any break mode type error.


Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged


Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged

May be this can help so please check where and when your code triggers something.

To Disable "Break Mode" page go to:

Tools --> Options --> Debugging --> General

Uncheck the checkbox of "Enable Just My Code"