SVN 405 Method Not Allowed

I accidentally deleted a folder in SVN and added it back immediately. I ran into an issue with this and my solution ended up removing the folder completely from my local copy as well as the server copy. I can do updates and commits without problems on any other file or folder, but if I try to create a folder with the same name, add, and commit, it gives me the following error:

svn: Server sent unexpected return value (405 Method Not Allowed) in response to MKCOL request for '/svn/www/!svn/wrk/9de0d765-2203-456c-af16-58e792ec7ac0/trunk/htdocs/solutions/medical'

I have run countless cleanups, commits, updates, etc. Nothing resolves the issue. Ideas?

FYI, I do not have the option of renaming the top level folder.

153915 次浏览

我猜测是您试图在 SVN 中添加 已经存在了的文件夹。您可以通过将文件签出到其他文件夹来确认,并查看主干是否已经具有所需的文件夹。

I just fixed this in my own repository. I'm using TortoiseSVN on Windows, so I'm not sure exactly what commands this translates to on the command line, but here's what I did:

有问题的文件夹称为 lib,应该添加该文件夹。

  • 首先我撤销了添加,这样 SVN 就不再关注 它。
  • Then I renamed it (to libs, not that that matters) using the Windows context menu, added it, and committed successfully.
  • Finally I renamed it back to lib using TortoiseSVN's context menu (this is probably important), and committed again.



  1. 在我提交代码之前,修订: 100
  2. (其他人提交代码... 修订增加到199)
  3. I (forgot to run "svn up", ) commit the code, now my revision: 200
  4. 我运行“ svn up”。



  1. $mv current _ copy _ back # 重命名当前代码副本
  2. $svn checkout current _ copy # 再次检查
  3. $cp copy _ back/current _ copy # 还原您的修改

对我来说,修复它的最快方法是复制受影响的文件夹,并用另一个名称提交它。然后是 svn mv duplicateFolder originalFolder。很简单。


svn delete folder1
svn add folder1Copy


svn mv folder1Copy/ folder1/


我也有过类似的问题。最后我从轨道上用核武器摧毁了它,在此过程中失去了我的 SVN 历史记录。但至少我让那个该死的错误消失了。


cp -rp target ~/other/location/target-20111108
svn rm target --force
cp -rp ~/other/location/target-20111108 target-other-name
cd target-other-name
find . -name .svn -print | xargs rm -rf
cd ..
svn add target-other-name
svn ci -m "Re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re import target"
svn mv target-other-name target
svn ci -m "Re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re import target"


我的“消失”文件夹是 libraries/fof


cd libaries
svn up



svn update fof



  1. 将文件夹复制到另一个位置。
  2. Delete .svn from copied folder
  3. 右键单击原始文件夹并选择“ SVN Checkout”
  4. 如果你找不到(3) ,那么你的情况与我的不同。
  5. 看看 REPO-BROWSER 上的目录是否正确。
  6. Check out
  7. 将复制文件夹中的文件返回到原始目录。
  8. 承诺。

如果使用托管 Subversion 存储库。


If you plan to make changes, use this command to check out the code as yourself using HTTPS:

# Project members authenticate over HTTPS to allow committing changes.
svn checkout https://.../svn/trunk/ user-...

When prompted, enter your generated password.
Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:

# Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout http://.../svn/trunk/ ...-read-only

您所提到的错误就是您正在使用 Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP状态。因此,到目前为止您无法提交或执行任何操作。

你必须使用 Project members authenticate over HTTPS to allow committing changes的东西。


这意味着您试图放在 svn 上的文件夹/文件已经存在。我的建议是,在做任何事情之前,只需右键单击文件夹/文件,然后单击 repo 浏览器。通过这样做,您将能够看到 svn 上已经存在的所有文件/子文件夹等。如果 svn 上不存在所需的文件/文件夹,那么只需删除(备份之后)要添加的文件,然后运行更新。

我得到了这个错误,因为我将 URL 地址替换为以“/”结尾的新地址。我的意思是记录在 WC.DB数据库中的 .svn文件夹中的 REPOSITORY 表。

当我删除符号: “/”时,错误就消失了。