If you're talking about automatic XML serialization of objects, check out Castor:
Castor is an Open Source data binding framework for Java[tm]. It's the shortest path between Java objects, XML documents and relational tables. Castor provides Java-to-XML binding, Java-to-SQL persistence, and more.
2008 Answer
The "Official" Java API for this is now JAXB - Java API for XML Binding. See Tutorial by Oracle. The reference implementation lives at http://jaxb.java.net/
Usually I use jaxb or XMLBeans if I need to create objects serializable to XML. Now, I can see that XStream might be very useful as it's nonintrusive and has really simple api. I'll play with it soon and probably use it. The only drawback I noticed is that I can't create object's id on my own for cross referencing.
@Barak Schiller
Thanks for posting link to XStream!
JAXB is part of JDK standard edition version 1.6+. So it is FREE and no extra libraries to download and manage.
A simple example can be found here
XStream seems to be dead. Last update was on Dec 6 2008.
Simple seems as easy and simpler as JAXB but I could not find any licensing information to evaluate it for enterprise use.
Worth mentioning that since version 1.4, Java had the classes java.beans.XMLEncoder and java.beans.XMLDecoder. These classes perform XML encoding which is at least very comparable to XML Serialization and in some circumstances might do the trick for you.
If your class sticks to the JavaBeans specification for its getters and setters, this method is straightforward to use and you don't need a schema. With the following caveats:
As with normal Java serialization
coding and decoding run over a InputStream and OutputStream
the process uses the familar writeObject and readObject methods
In contrast to normal Java serialization
the encoding but also decoding causes constructors and initializers to be invoked
encoding and decoding work regardless if your class implements Serializable or not
transient modifiers are not taken into account
works only for public classes, that have public constructors
For example, take the following declaration:
public class NPair {
public NPair() { }
int number1 = 0;
int number2 = 0;
public void setNumber1(int value) { number1 = value;}
public int getNumber1() { return number1; }
public void setNumber2(int value) { number2 = value; }
public int getNumber2() {return number2;}
Executing this code:
NPair fe = new NPair();
FileOutputStream fos1 = new FileOutputStream("d:\\ser.xml");
java.beans.XMLEncoder xe1 = new java.beans.XMLEncoder(fos1);