多克网络 Nginx 解析器

我试图摆脱在我的配置中弃用的 Docker 链接。剩下的就是在我重新创建一个容器时消除那些 Bad Gateway nginx 反向代理错误。

注意: 我正在桥接模式下使用 Docker 网络。(docker network create nettest)

我在 nginx 中使用以下配置片段:

location / {
resolver valid=30s;
set $backend "http://confluence:8090";
proxy_pass $backend;
  1. 我在 Docker 网络上启动了一个名为 nettest的主机名为 confluence的容器。
  2. 然后在网络 nettest上启动 nginx 容器。
  3. 我可以从 nginx 容器内部 ping confluence
  4. 在 nginx 容器的 /etc/hosts文件中列出了 confluence
  5. Nginx 日志显示 send() failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:
  6. 我尝试了来自 /etc/resol.conf的 docker 网络默认 dns 解析器
  7. Nginx 日志显示 confluence could not be resolved (3: Host not found)

有人知道如何配置 Nginx 解析器与多克网络或替代如何强制 Nginx 正确解析多克网络主机名?

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You need a local dns server like dnsmasq to resolve using Try installing it using apk add --update dnsmasq and set it up if you're using an alpine (nginx:alpine) variant.

First off, you should be using the Docker embedded DNS server at

Your problem could be caused by 1 of the following:

  1. nginx is trying to use IPv6 (AAAA record) for the DNS queries.

    See https://stackoverflow.com/a/35516395/1529493 for the solution.

    Basically something like:

    http {
    resolver ipv6=off;

    This is probably no longer a problem with Docker 1.11:

    Fix to not forward docker domain IPv6 queries to external servers (#21396)

  2. Take care that you don't accidentally override the resolver configuration directive. In my case I had in the server block resolver; from Mozilla's SSL Configuration Generator, which was overriding the resolver; in the http block. That had me scratching my head for a long time...

Maybe you should check your container's /etc/resolv.conf

It shows your container's correct DNS config and then use that DNS server IP for resolver. does not works in Rancher

We hit this with docker containers on windows trying to lookup host.docker.internal using the docker internal resolver at All queries would resolve correctly except host.docker.internal. Fix was to add the ipv6=off flag to the resolver line in nginx.conf.

In several cases where I had this error, adding resolver_timeout 1s; to the Nginx config solved the issue. Most of the time I don't have a resolver entry.

Edit: what also worked for containers where I could explicitly define a nameserver: resolver DNS-IP valid=1s;

I solved this problem with the following way:

docker run --rm -d --network host --name "my_domain" nginx


I was running "node:12.18-alpine" with angular frontend and hit the same problem with proxy_pass.

Locally it was working with:


As simple as that! Just execute:

$ cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver

In your container to get this ip address.

However, when deploying to kubernetes (AWS EKS) I got the very same error:

failed (111: Connection refused) while resolving, resolver:


First solution was to find out the IP of the kube-dns service like below:

$ kubectl get service kube-dns -n kube-system
NAME       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)         AGE
kube-dns   ClusterIP   <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP   178d

Simple replacing IP for CLUSTER-IP worked like a charm.

Later, after some more doc digging, I find out that I could reference the service by name (which is little bit more elegant and resilient):

resolver kube-dns.kube-system valid=10s;

My problem was $request_uri at the end. After adding it at the end of uri and changing the to solved my issue. I hope it will help people to not spend hours on this.

location /products {
proxy_pass http://products:3000$request_uri;