检查流中的 instanceof


.filter(sic -> ((ScheduleIntervalContainer) sic).getStartTime() != ((ScheduleIntervalContainer)sic).getEndTime())

... 其中 scheduleIntervalContainers的元素类型为 ScheduleContainer:

final List<ScheduleContainer> scheduleIntervalContainers


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You can apply another filter in order to keep only the ScheduleIntervalContainer instances, and adding a map will save you the later casts :

.filter(sc -> sc instanceof ScheduleIntervalContainer)
.map (sc -> (ScheduleIntervalContainer) sc)
.filter(sic -> sic.getStartTime() != sic.getEndTime())

Or, as Holger commented, you can replace the lambda expressions with method references if you prefer that style:

.map (ScheduleIntervalContainer.class::cast)
.filter(sic -> sic.getStartTime() != sic.getEndTime())

A pretty elegant option is to use method reference of class:

.filter( ScheduleIntervalContainer.class::isInstance )
.map( ScheduleIntervalContainer.class::cast )
.filter( sic -> sic.getStartTime() != sic.getEndTime())
.collect(Collectors.toList() );

There is a small problem with @Eran solution - typing class name in both filter and map is error-prone - it is easy to forget to change the name of the class in both places. An improved solution would be something like this:

private static <T, R> Function<T, Stream<R>> select(Class<R> clazz) {
return e -> clazz.isInstance(e) ? Stream.of(clazz.cast(e)) : null;

.filter( sic -> sic.getStartTime() != sic.getEndTime())

However there might be a performance penalty in creating a Stream for every matching element. Be careful to use it on huge data sets. I've learned this solution from @Tagir Vailev

Instead of a filter + map like other answers suggest, I would recommend this utility method:

public static <Super, Sub extends Super> Function<Super, Stream<Sub>> filterType(Class<Sub> clz) {
return obj -> clz.isInstance(obj) ? Stream.of(clz.cast(obj)) : Stream.empty();

Use it as:

Stream.of(dog, cat fish)

Compared to filter + map it has the following advantages:

  • If the class does not extend your class you will get a compile error
  • Single place, you can never forget to change a class in either filter or map

Filter by class type with StreamEx
