如何在 Kotlin 代码内调用外部命令?

我想从 Kotlin 代码调用一个外部命令。

  • 在 C/Perl 中,我将使用 system()函数。
  • 在 Python 中,我将使用子流程模块。
  • 在 Go 中,我会使用 os/exec 等等。

但是在 Kotlin 我该怎么做呢?

55215 次浏览

If you're running on the JVM you can just use Java Runtime exec method. e.g.


You will need to have security permission to execute commands.

Example of running a git diff by shelling out:

"git diff".runCommand(gitRepoDir)

Here are two implementations of the runCommand extension function:

1. Redirect to stdout/stderr

This wires any output from the subprocess to regular stdout and stderr:

fun String.runCommand(workingDir: File) {
ProcessBuilder(*split(" ").toTypedArray())
.waitFor(60, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

2. Capturing output as a String

An alternative implementation redirecting to Redirect.PIPE instead allows you to capture output in a String:

fun String.runCommand(workingDir: File): String? {
try {
val parts = this.split("\\s".toRegex())
val proc = ProcessBuilder(*parts.toTypedArray())

proc.waitFor(60, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
return proc.inputStream.bufferedReader().readText()
} catch(e: IOException) {
return null

For Kotlin Native:

platform.posix.system("git status")


Runtime.getRuntime().exec("git status")

Based on @jkschneider answer but a little more Kotlin-ified:

fun String.runCommand(
workingDir: File = File("."),
timeoutAmount: Long = 60,
timeoutUnit: TimeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS
): String? = runCatching {
.start().also { it.waitFor(timeoutAmount, timeoutUnit) }
}.onFailure { it.printStackTrace() }.getOrNull()

Update: If you are in Gradle Groovy to Kotlin DSL migration all you need is this, less code you should care about and would have less unexpected (e.g. on quoted parameters) results than above code may have,

import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ProcessGroovyMethods


// Or,
fun String.execute() = ProcessGroovyMethods.execute(this)
val Process.text: String? get() = ProcessGroovyMethods.getText(this)
// then just like groovy, "ls".execute().text

I wanted a few changes from the solution of jkschneider, as it didn't catch the error codes I got from the executed commands. Also I did a few refactorings to get this:

directory exec "git status"


directory.execute("git", "commit", "-m", "A message")

I also opted to throw exceptions for error codes and shortened the wait, but that can easily be altered according to taste.

* Shorthand for [File.execute]. Assumes that all spaces are argument separators,
* so no argument may contain a space.
* ```kotlin
*  // Example
*  directory exec "git status"
*  // This fails since `'A` and `message'` will be considered as two arguments
*  directory exec "git commit -m 'A message'"
* ```
infix fun File.exec(command: String): String {
val arguments = command.split(' ').toTypedArray()
return execute(*arguments)

* Executes command. Arguments may contain strings. More appropriate than [File.exec]
* when using dynamic arguments.
* ```kotlin
*  // Example
*  directory.execute("git", "commit", "-m", "A message")
* ```
fun File.execute(vararg arguments: String): String {
val process = ProcessBuilder(*arguments)
.also { it.waitFor(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) }

if (process.exitValue() != 0) {
throw Exception(process.errorStream.bufferedReader().readText())
return process.inputStream.bufferedReader().readText()

As this is the first google result when searching for how to run commands in kotlin, I found my self struggeling to extend it to get basic standard input working, as the Pipe "|" is not supported for the ProcessBuilder. I've found out how to do it, and thought I'd share. I've converted jkschneider's answer to be run as a simple function, now with optional stdin and output capturing. It's a little less pretty, but more flexible. You can run it like this:

exec("someCommandWithUserInput", stdIn = "yes")
/** Run a system-level command.
* Note: This is a system independent java exec (e.g. | doesn't work). For shell: prefix with "bash -c"
* Inputting the string in stdIn (if any), and returning stdout and stderr as a string. */
fun exec(cmd: String, stdIn: String = "", captureOutput:Boolean = false, workingDir: File = File(".")): String? {
try {
val process = ProcessBuilder(*cmd.split("\\s".toRegex()).toTypedArray())
.redirectOutput(if (captureOutput) ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE else ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT)
.redirectError(if (captureOutput) ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE else ProcessBuilder.Redirect.INHERIT)
.start().apply {
if (stdIn != "") {
outputStream.bufferedWriter().apply {
waitFor(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
if (captureOutput) {
return process.inputStream.bufferedReader().readText()
} catch (e: IOException) {
return null


I've since had to use this so often I've made it into a little library: https://github.com/leonschreuder/kotlin-exec
Supports stdin, capturing stderr/stdout, understands (nested) quoted strings (" and ' and mixed) correctly etc, but this answer is obviously still valid too.

For Kotlin/Native I use this posix-based implementation:

import kotlinx.cinterop.*
import platform.posix.*

fun executeCommand(
command: String,
trim: Boolean = true,
redirectStderr: Boolean = true
): String {
val commandToExecute = if (redirectStderr) "$command 2>&1" else command
val fp = popen(commandToExecute, "r") ?: error("Failed to run command: $command")

val stdout = buildString {
val buffer = ByteArray(4096)
while (true) {
val input = fgets(buffer.refTo(0), buffer.size, fp) ?: break

val status = pclose(fp)
if (status != 0) {
error("Command `$command` failed with status $status${if (redirectStderr) ": $stdout" else ""}")

return if (trim) stdout.trim() else stdout

this worked for me, windows 10

ProcessBuilder("cmd /C git status".split(" "))

Kotlin with Okio. Clean and simple. Example: get current folder's content:

import okio.*

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ls -l")
.use {
with( Buffer() ){
println("Current folder's content: ${String(this.readByteArray())}")

There is a kotlin library for easy run external command

Add this gradle dependency:


And can run comamnd like this:

"cd ~ && ls".runCommand()


Applications   Downloads      MavenDep       Pictures       iOSProjects
Desktop        IdeaProjects   Movies         Public         scripts
Documents      Library        Music          StudioProjects

Also you can get the output of command line by using evalBash

val date = "date".evalBash().getOrThrow()  //execute shell command `date` and get the command's output and set the content to date variable
println(date) //This will print Fri Aug 19 21:59:56 CEST 2022 on console
val year = date.substringAfterLast(" ") // will get 2022 and assign to year


Fri Aug 19 21:59:56 CEST 2022

More Info: https://github.com/wuseal/Kscript-Tools