如何在 JavaScriptRegexp 中捕获任意数量的组?

我期待这一行的 JavaScript:

"foo bar baz".match(/^(\s*\w+)+$/)


["foo bar baz", "foo", " bar", " baz"]


["foo bar baz", " baz"]


47632 次浏览

How's about this? "foo bar baz".match(/(\w+)+/g)

Unless you have a more complicated requirement for how you're splitting your strings, you can split them, and then return the initial string with them:

var data = "foo bar baz";
var pieces = data.split(' ');

When you repeat a capturing group, in most flavors, only the last capture is kept; any previous capture is overwritten. In some flavor, e.g. .NET, you can get all intermediate captures, but this is not the case with Javascript.

That is, in Javascript, if you have a pattern with N capturing groups, you can only capture exactly N strings per match, even if some of those groups were repeated.

So generally speaking, depending on what you need to do:

  • If it's an option, split on delimiters instead
  • Instead of matching /(pattern)+/, maybe match /pattern/g, perhaps in an exec loop
    • Do note that these two aren't exactly equivalent, but it may be an option
  • Do multilevel matching:
    • Capture the repeated group in one match
    • Then run another regex to break that match apart



Here's an example of matching <some;words;here> in a text, using an exec loop, and then splitting on ; to get individual words (see also on ideone.com):

var text = "a;b;<c;d;e;f>;g;h;i;<no no no>;j;k;<xx;yy;zz>";

var r = /<(\w+(;\w+)*)>/g;

var match;
while ((match = r.exec(text)) != null) {
// c,d,e,f
// xx,yy,zz

The pattern used is:

/    \

This matches <word>, <word;another>, <word;another;please>, etc. Group 2 is repeated to capture any number of words, but it can only keep the last capture. The entire list of words is captured by group 1; this string is then split on the semicolon delimiter.

Related questions

try using 'g':

"foo bar baz".match(/\w+/g)

You can use LAZY evaluation. So, instead of using * (GREEDY), try using ? (LAZY)

REGEX: (\s*\w+)?


Match 1: foo

Match 2: bar

Match 3: baz