如何使用 jq 将数字转换为字符串?

给定以下 jq 命令和 Json:

jq '.[]|[.string,.number]|join(": ")' <<< '
"number": 3,
"string": "threee"
"number": 7,
"string": "seven"


three: 3
seven: 7


Error: 字符串和数字不能被添加


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The jq command has the tostring function. It took me a while to learn to use it by trial and error. Here is how to use it:

jq -r '.[] | [ .string, .number|tostring ] | join(": ")' <<< '
[{ "number": 9, "string": "nine"},
{ "number": 4, "string": "four"}]
nine: 9
four: 4

An alternative and arguably more intuitive format is:

jq '.[] | .string + ": " + (.number|tostring)' <<< ...

Worth noting the need for parens around .number|tostring.

For such simple case string interpolation's implicit casting to string will do it:

.[] | "\( .string ): \( .number )"

See it in action on jq‣play.