// This will prevent all warnings from being logged
console.warn = () => {};
// Hold a reference to the original function so that it can be called later
const originalWarn = console.warn;
console.warn = (message, ...optionalParams) => {
// Insure that we don't try to perform any string-only operations on
// a non-string type:
if (typeof message === 'string') {
// Check if the message contains the blacklisted substring
if (/Your blacklisted substring goes here/g.test(message))
// Don't log the value
// Otherwise delegate to the original 'console.warn' function
originalWarn(message, ...optionalParams);
如果您不能(或不想)使用正则表达式来测试字符串,那么 indexOf方法也可以正常工作:
// An index of -1 will be returned if the blacklisted substring was NOT found
if (message.indexOf('Your blacklisted substring goes here') > -1) {
// Don't log the message