Eclipse 快捷键在左边缩进源代码?

我查看了 Eclipse 中的键盘快捷键列表,但找不到向左缩进源代码的快捷键。肯定有吧?

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I thought it was Shift + Tab.

In my copy, Shift + Tab does this, as long as I have a code selection, and am in a code window.

Ctrl + I (indentation). See at Search for Indentation.

Obviously this is only for Pydev, but I've worked out that you can get the very useful functions "Shift Right" and "Shift Left" (mapped by default to CTRL+ALT+. and CTRL+ALT+,) to become useful by changing their keybindings to "Pydev Editor Scope" from "Pydev View"

You can use Ctrl + Shift + F which will run your formatter on the file and fix indentations along the way also.

control + shift + F will do the work

i'd rather go to menu source em click on "Cleanup Document"

for me the default is Shift + Tab,

you can select the text you want, press Shift + Tab to shift everything on the left, selecting all and pressing Tab shifts everything to the right.

On Mac (on french keyboard its) cmd + shift + F

For Left indent Shift + Tab

For Right indent simple Tab

In any version of Eclipse IDE for source code indentation.

Select the source code and use the following keys

  1. For default java indentation Ctrl + I

  2. For right indentation Tab

  3. For left indentation Shift + Tab

For Mac Users who using Eclipse Use Cmd + I(Indent) and Cmd + F(Format). But I had worst experience with Cmd + F which breaks the code in to several lines as follows

String A = MyClass.getA(x, y);
if (A != null) {
A = Long.parseLong(0);

Where my original code is as follows

String A = MyClass.get(x, y);
if (A != null) {
A = Long.parseLong(0);

Tab to indent right by four characters